Chapter 4: Arianna

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(Unknown pov)
"My name is Arianna," I finally answer the boy's question. He stares at me, expecting something more. "That's who I am."
He nods in surprise. "I'm Ezra." He turns to the girl. "And this is Jessie."
"Thank you for saving us," Jessie says, smiling lightly at me. "That vendor has a death warrant on my head."
Ezra gives her a look. "Shadow? I can't believe it. He's an old friend of mine."
"Yeah well, not of mine." Jessie replies.
"Why didn't you tell me? We didn't have to go there for the fuel." He tells her, worry in his electric blue eyes. I could get lost in them, if I was the sort of girl who fell in love with every guy I met. I don't believe in love.
"I don't know," she says, and turns to me. "Do you have a place to stay, Arianna?"
I shake my head. "No."
"Do you want to come with us? You could stay with our friends," Ezra offers.
They're the rebels of Lothal. I know this. I recognize Ezra from the wanted
posters, and Jessie must be new to their team, or not a highly active member/agent. If the Empire catches me with them, they'll get hurt. I don't want that to be my fault. The Empire wants me, they'll have to find me first. I don't want to put others in danger.
"You won't put us in danger," Ezra says. Can he read my mind?
"Are you Force-sensitive?" He asks.
"I...I don't know." The Empire was going to run tests on me to see if I was, but I got away before they could. I can't believe that HE had a part in that, I think, thinking of someone that the Empire had chosen to capture me and test me. Someone I deeply cared about.
"Come with us. At least we can repay you for saving our lives," Jessie says, smiling kindly at me. "We have food, and shelter, and some clothes, if you'd like. Yours are pretty worn."
I glance down at my ragged black cloak and worn leather boots. Underneath my cloak, I wear a black tank top and some ripped black pants from the few possessions I kept from my time with the Empire. I have a few more hidden in my cloak, but not a ton.
"Arianna?" Ezra asks.
Oh, why not. Maybe you could steal from them, I tell myself. "Sure," I tell the rebels. "Lead the way."
Ezra starts, then stops. "And no stealing!" He calls over his shoulder. I chuckle quietly and follow him and Jessie out of the sewer tunnel and into Klothal.

(Inquisitor pov)

Following Lord Vader's instructions, I set out to where the renegade Imperial was just seen. In Klothal's marketplace, I stroll over to a vendor named "Shadow" and lean menacingly over his counter.
"What did the rebel look like?" I inquire.
The vendor-Shadow-looks frightened. He hesitates, then begins to blurt out details. "There were 3. I knew all of them from different times in my life. One was Ezra Bridger, a navy-haired 15-year-old thief who did small jobs for me. One was Jessie Lovt, a blonde female bounty hunter that I put a price on her head. I had other bounty hunters assigned to kill her. She was about the same age as Bridger, 14, I think her record said. She had an impressive record, along with her twin sister, Larissa Lovt. Don't know where she is."
"I do," I murmur under my breath, scowling. My Lord and I erased Larissa Lovt's memories and turned her to the dark side, but in the end, she saved Bridger and her sister by sacrificing herself. Pathetic. And now she's dead because of it.
"And the last was a redhead named Arianna, I think. I met her only once before, I owed her a favour. Don't anymore. And that's all the info I have."
I nod briefly at him. "Thank you, Shadow. I will see to it that the Imperials do not shut down your stall. TOO soon, anyway."
Shadow looks frightened as I stalk away.

So, the Padawan and Force-sensitive bounty hunter are with the renegade Imperial. If I can just manage to find out where one of them is, I will have them all. I will finally fulfill my Master's wish.
Time to call for backup. I pull out my comlink and contact ISB Agent Kallus. He will be interested in this recent development, quite a bit, I would think.

Star Wars Rebels: Deep Dark Secretsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें