Chapter 6: Carabast

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(Ezra pov)

We sneak up to Imperial HQ and I toss a rock away from us. The stormtroopers on guard ask, "What was that?"
"We better go check it out," the other responds. They hurry off and the girls and I sneak through the front door.

We scurry through the hallways, avoiding stormtroopers and occasionally, shoving a dead one in a supply closet. We reach the hanger and I run over to a fuel canister. I grab it and Jessie grabs a shield generator.
"Mission accomplished," I call quietly to the girls. Jessie grins and hoists the generator over her shoulder, and Arianna grabs another one, just in case. We turn towards the door and head towards it. We are just about to turn the corner when I slam into something hard. I hit the ground and look up into the yellow eyes of the Inquisitor. Jessie gasps and drops the shield generator. Arianna cries out and drops hers as well. She slowly backs away from Jessie and I as my girlfriend draws her two lightsabers, the purple one and the red one.
I try to get away, but the Inquisitor grabs my collar and hoists me into the air. Agent Kallus comes rushing in behind him, with his squad of stormtroopers and a rifle in his hand.
He stops short when he catches sight of a slowly backing-away redhead. "Arianna?"
She gasps. "Dad?"

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