Chapter 7: Truth Revealed

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(Ezra pov)

"Dad!?" I gasp for breathe under the Inquisitor's grip. "He's your father?!"
Arianna doesn't hear me. The stormtrooper surround Jessie, who has a look of hopelessness on her pretty face. Still, her eyes are defiant and she readies her blades. Kallus approaches Arianna calmly.
"Sweetheart, what are you doing with these rebels?" He asks. The stormtroopers level their blasters at Jessie.
The Inquisitor continues to hold me in the air. I claw at his hand, but he simply laughs and grips my collar tighter. The world around me begins to look fuzzy.
"Dad, leave me alone." Arianna backs away from her 'father'. "I'm not going back with you."
"Come on, Arianna. Your home is with the Empire. Not with these insurgents."
"No! They'll kill me! If they can't use me, they'll kill me!" Arianna screams. "I won't go back!"
Kallus sighs and shakes his head.
"Alright, sweetheart. No more easy way. You see your friends?" He points his rifle at Jessie, then at me. "One command, and they die." Fear clouds Arianna's amber eyes. "I promise you, they won't survive."
The Inquisitor activates his red lightsaber and drops me to the ground. I gulp in air as he holds the blade against my neck. I glance at Jessie and watch a stormtrooper aim right at her heart.
"Stop!" Arianna cries.
"Don't go with them!" I yell. Arianna turns to me. "Get out of here!"
"Run!" Jessie calls to her. "We've got this!"
"But- they'll kill you!"
"No, they won't. It's a trick. They've been trying to capture Ezra and I for a while now," Jessie replies. Her eyes are pleading. "Please, go!"
Arianna nods and backs over to a window. She pulls out her tiny blaster and smashes the butt into the glass. She clears away the shards and picks up one, throwing it at her father. Blood stains her finger. Kallus cries out and dodges the shard. He reaches for her as she jumps out the window. "Arianna!" He calls.

(Agent Kallus pov)

I race over to the window and watch in despair as my daughter hits the ground hard and lies motionless for a moment. She then shakes herself and looks at me. Her eyes are angry, and she flees then. I howl in anger and try to jump after her, but the Inquisitor's cruel voice stops me.
"Agent Kallus. We will go after her later. For now, we have who we were after." He grins at the struggling Padawan, who stares at him defiantly.
"You won't turn us," the boy growls.
The Inquisitor moves his lightsaber so that it brushes the boy's skin. He cries out in pain. The girl calls his name, but I hand gesture to one of my stormtroopers, who hits her on the head with the butt of his rifle-hard. She cries out and passes out, dropping her weapons as she falls.
"Jessie!" Ezra Bridger screams before the Inquisitor slashes his arm with his lightsaber, rendering the Padawan unconscious.
I turn and look out the window once more as the Inquisitor picks up their weapons and takes them to holding cells.
If you will not come back Arianna, then make no mistake: Next time we meet, you will die.

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