Chapter 16: Death

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Chapter 16 is here~ I don't own cardfight vanguard~


Jades blinked open at the sound of his name being called.

"Doctor Shinko?....."

The brunette asked for he was feeling slightly disorientated.

"You okay? You were crying in your sleep?"

The blond doctor asked, causing jades to widen in surprise.

"It was a dream?....."

The brunette whispered to himself, the doctor smiled sympathetically at the teen as he watched him get up.

"Apparently..... Anyway I have something to tell you...."

The brunette caught his breath, for he was fearful of his nightmare becoming reality.

"Is it about Aichi?....."

The blond doctor nodded grimly.

"Yes..... I finished working on him however..... His body was already too weak before I began"

Dread seeped into the brunette like water to a sponge, he was terrified as to what happened to his love.

"I see....... But he's going to be okay?....."

Kai asked, hoping that his words would ring true, however Shinko shrugged.

"I don't know...... It all depends on him now and if he lives through the night......"

Kai winced at the blond doctor's words, however a glimmer of hope sparked within his chest.

"So he's alive right now...... but he can die at any moment?"

"Yes..... The operation would have been a simple thing if he had been perfectly healthy...... But it wasn't so now his body may give out on him....."

Jades looked wistfully towards the door that deprecated him from the blue haired boy.

"Can I please be beside him?....."

"Yes..... It would do Sendou some good if you were with him"

Shinko replied as he opened the door to allow the brunette inside, the sight was similar as before, however this time the boy was hooked up to a heart monitor and an oxygen mask, also the tube from before was gone.

It eased the brunette when he heard the steady beeping of the heart monitor, for it assured him that the young boy was still alive, he hoped that it would stay that way.

The brunette clasped Aichi's left hand within his own hands, he loved the warmth that moved into him from it, it was yet another sign that his Aichi was alive.

Jades were foggy so the brunette wiped his eyes only to find out that he had started crying without noticing.

"You better not die on me Aichi.... You can't just leave me after I just got you back...... You said that we're bound to have good fortune soon...... that can't happen if you die first though......"

The brunette whispered, gently as he sank to his knees and continued to hold his love's hand.

It felt odd to the brunette, for a year ago he would have never imagined that someone could stir up his emotions as easily as this, yet he was also glad that the boy did so.

Kai jumped when he felt the young boy's hand twitch slightly in his grasp, jades brightened when they were met with dull sapphires.


A soft smile graced the younger's face as he slowly removed the oxygen mask.

"You look horrible Kai...."

The young boy laughed lightly, wincing a bit afterwards.

"It's all you're fault....."

Kai whispered softly as he held the younger's hand to his tear stained cheek.

"I'm sorry...... But tears don't suit you"

Aichi replied lightly as he wiped away the brunette's tears.

"Then don't do anything that would cause them"

"I'll try......"

Aichi whispered softly, the brunette was so relieved that the younger boy had woken up, he hoped that it meant that the boy's life wouldn't slip away like he had initially feared.

"How do you feel?"

Kai asked, curious as to how it felt like to be the younger.

"Weak...... My eyes feel so heavy right now....."

The brunette allowed a small smile to cross his face as he leaned over and petted the younger's soft blue locks.

"Then go back to sleep, I'll wait for you to wake up again"

The brunette replied, sapphires softened at the older's request.

"But I don't want to......"

Aichi sighed, the weakness was painfully evident within his voice, the brunette failed to notice the slowing of the heart monitor in the background.

"Just relax and allow yourself heal, I'm with you so it'll be okay"

The brunette soothed, sapphires flashed gratitude towards jades before slowly closing.

"-ve you"

The soft whisper escaped from the younger before he fell back into unconsciousness, allowing the brunette some time to think.

He guessed that the boy's habit of sleeping so much came from not having enough oxygen to function properly, meaning that soon Aichi would alway be sleepy and would go back to how he used to be.

The brunette then noticed something odd, the beeping was slowing down ever so slightly. he looked towards the heart monitor and felt as if he blood had been infested with chilled ice.

The younger boy's heart rate was slowly dropping, the brunette looked around, slightly panicked for doctor Shinko hadn't followed him into the room.

"What if it continues to drop?..... Should I call someone?....."

Not wanting to take any chances, the brunette decided to call for help by pressing an emergency button.

Just as he did so, an eerie silence befell the room before the beeping turned into a flat line.

"Aichi no......."

The brunette ran back towards the hospital bed where his love was laying and shook his arm slightly in an attempt to wake the boy up.

"You promised..... You promised that you wouldn't make me cry again dammit!"

Kai whispered as he banged his fist against the wall in sadness and frustration.

"Why are they taking so long to come here?....."

The brunette wondered, for he had thought that as soon as he pressed the emergency button, the room would be swarmed with doctors.

Every second that the doctors took to arrive, meant that the blue haired boy was one second closer to death.

The brunette felt so helpless, he was right beside Aichi, yet he was unable to do anything to help him, despite how desperately he wanted to.

Me: I'm really being a jerk now....

Miwa: you think?

Me: but I just can't resist~

Miwa: making hope high then crushing them in an wavelength pattern..... Real nice

Me: sorry..... Please don't be mad..... Anyway hope ya people enjoyed le chappy~

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