Chapter 13: diagnostic

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Chapter 13 is here~ I don't own cardfight vanguard~

Posted early cause of Fira-Chan

After who knows how long of gazing off into space, the brunette heard the door open and stood up eagerly to greet the doctor.

"You can come in now"

Doctor Shinko said as he motioned for the brunette to enter the room, Kai did so and grimaced slightly due to the strong stench of disinfectant.

He looked over towards the bed to see the all too familiar sight of his Aichi laying unconscious with an IV hooked up to his arm.

"Is he going to be okay?"

Kai asked, concerned as to whether or not the young boy would make a full and complete recovery or not.

"...... I'm not supposed to disclose information about the patient......"

"But I'm his-"

"I know, that's why I'll make an exception, I'm sure that Sendou wouldn't mind anyway"

Doctor Shinko sighed as he rubbed his temple, jades flickered over towards the sink to see that many tool had been tossed aside, probably tools that had been used on Aichi.

"Sendou..... Is very lucky that you brought him here tonight...."

Jades narrowed slightly at the doctor's words, Kai didn't like the sound of what Shinko had said.

"What do you mean by lucky?....."

"He was very close to getting blood poisoning from his infections..... It's a miracle that it already hasn't happened..."

Relief flushed through the brunette, for he was thankful for actually succeeding in protecting the younger for once.

"Is that all?...."

The blond doctor shook his head sadly.

"No..... His blood sample came back and it was a little interesting......"

"Interesting as in?...."

"There's some kind of unknown parasite inside of him.... Probably from the water when he most likely 'cleaned' his wounds......"

The brunette held his breath, that wasn't what he had been hoping for at all.

"How is it affecting him?"

"It's breaking through the blood vessels and causing blood to slowly trickle into his lungs.... Has he been coughing a lot lately? Maybe even some blood?"

The brunette nodded, his dread was growing by the second.

"Yes, but how can that happen?...."

Kai asked, curious as to how the parasite could cause blood to trickle into Aichi's lungs.

"There's a one cell thick barrior between the blood vessels and the outer membrane of the lungs, it has to be thin for the oxygen to dissolve into the blood"

Doctor Shinko explained.

"Is there anything else I need to know?...."

The brunette questioned, hoping that there wasn't.

"Yeah..... Since his fever was due to the infections, it has cooled down now, also he needs to stay in the hospital to recover his strength, and for me to help with removing the parasite from his bloodstream"

An uneasy feeling dwelled within the brunette, he was thankful about the fever part at least, yet everything else horrified him. he couldn't believe that the blue haired boy had been so sick, yet able to walk about as if he was fine.

"Ah I've got to go take on another patient, press the buzzer if anything odd happens"

Doctor Shinko called as he left the room, leaving the brunette alone in the room with his unconscious lover. The brunette walked over so that he was sitting on the edge of the bed and gently began to run his finger's through the boy's soft blue locks.

"Why does everything bad have to happen to you?....."

Kai whispered softly to himself as his jade gaze took in his love's sleeping form, he was thankful that at least Aichi seemed to be at peace for the moment.

Curious, the brunette lifted the thin white sheet that had been placed atop the younger boy, bandages were wrapped around the chest of the younger. Kai felt sick when blood stained sheets tossed into the trash caught his attention, telling him that his love had lost quite a bit of blood.

Sapphires suddenly blinked open, startling the older slightly.


Aichi's voice held its usual softness, however it was still quite weak.

"Yes Aichi?"

The older asked, the blue haired boy went to sit up but Kai quickly stopped him, sapphires flashed curiously into jades.

"Why'd you stop me from getting up?"

Kai couldn't help but smirk slightly at the cuteness of the younger boy.

"One because you need to rest, and two because you always accidentally rip out the IV as soon as you get up"

The brunette sighed, sapphires glimmered with amusement at the last part.

"I never meant to"

"But it still happens"

"What if I yank my arm to rip it out just for the sake of doing so?"

"We both know that you're not that kind of person Aichi"

The blue haired boy's face flushed when the older ruffled his soft blue locks.

"True..... Anyway do you know when I'll be out of the hospital?"

Aichi asked, he coughed a bit after speaking causing Kai to grimace but say nothing.

"I don't know..... But I assume it'll be a while until you're let out...."

A frown crossed the younger's face as he crossed his arms in a child like pouting motion.

"It's not fair......."

The younger boy complained, Kai smiled softly and grazed the younger's cheek with his hand.

"I know...... Life has been very unfair to you"

The brunette's voice was laced with slight pain as he thought about absolutely everything that had happened to the boy.

A small smile graced Aichi's lips, confusing the older.

"But everything has brought is closer together...... Plus, after all the bad luck, we're bound to live a long time with amazing luck eventually. So it's not always going to be like this"

Aichi replied, causing the brunette's unease to melt away as he took hold of the younger's hand that wasn't hooked up to the IV and caressed it gently within his grasp.

"I really do hope you're right Aichi....."

Kai whispered, for he truly meant so.

"Even if I'm wrong, everything will work out Kai, as long as we're together"

The last part was whispered softly out of embarrassment, however the brunette definitely heard his love's words.

Me: started out all angst and turned into fluff is what happened to dis chappy

Miwa: you're messed up

Me: I know >~<^ and meh iz proud~

Miwa: outside of writing you sound like an idiot

Me: yeah~ I know but I no care~

Miwa: true, as long as your grammar is okayish in the story it's fine

Me: yeah it's okayish~ but that's cause I'm too lazy ta edit~

Miwa: it's easy to tell

Me: grrr .... Anyway hope ya enjoyed le chappy~

Healing Love Book 4 - Cardfight VanguardWhere stories live. Discover now