Chapter 11: Damage

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Chapter 11 is here~ I don't own cardfight vanguard~

The brunette was shocked, and partially ashamed for not realizing that his love was seriously injured on the outside as well.

It hurt Kai to see the younger boy's chest, for it was horrifically ravaged with slashes, some seemed to have healed and scarred over, while others were an angry red with infections present.

However, what caught the older's attention the most was the large circular gouge right in the boy's stomach, as if something had impaled the boy. As jades examined more closely the brunette noticed that the gouge had traces of being burned.

"Aichi........ did you burn yourself...."

Kai whispered softly, for he wasn't able to muster up a louder voice.

"...... Yeah.... I was bleeding too much..... so I closed the wound....."

Unshed tears of horror glistened in the corners of the jades as the brunette imagined the agony his love had been while in the midst of burning his injury closed. The willpower it must have taken, the brunette couldn't even imagine.

"I'm guessing the circular injury is from you protecting me..... But what about the smaller injuries?...."

The brunette asked for some seemed as if they had been made only a few days ago.

"From falling on rocks and such....."

Aichi hissed in pain slightly when the older began to help wash off the blood.

"But shouldn't the one from protecting me have healed into a scar by now?...."

"My injuries kept opening up.... So they've never had the proper change to heal fully yet....."

Kai let out a sigh, for he was angry that the blue haired boy had thrived to shoulder his burden all by himself.

"Even you know that you can't possibly get better without proper medical attention....."

The brunette sighed as he gingerly traced his fingers along the circular injury upon the boy's stomach.


Sapphires looked down guiltily towards the floor.

"And you've allowed many of your injuries to get infected....."

"I'm sorry....."

Jades softened at the earnest note within the younger's voice.

"I'm not the one you should apologize to..... You should just take better care of yourself...."

Kai sighed as he finished wiping away all of the blood from the blue haired boy.

"I was going to treat my injuries myself without having to worry anyone though....."

Aichi murmured, earning him a playful flick on the head.

"You failed, it would have caused me less worry if you just thought of yourself first before others...."

"........ I guess......"

"Of course I'm right Aichi, anyway I'd like for you to visit the hospital tomorrow....."

The brunette said, for he was greatly concerned about the infections, even small ones if left for too long could become quite dangerous.

"But what about the one week wait time?...."

The blue haired boy argued.

"It's invalid now that I know the true extent of your injuries Ai-"

The older was cut off by smaller grasping the sleeve of his shirt, jades gazing into sapphires. Kai couldn't help but notice that the boy's face was unusually flushed.

"But it doesn't seem that bad.... It only looks like it.... The pain is easily bearable...."

Aichi whispered as he leaned into the older's chest, the warmth of the boy radiated greatly to the brunette.

"That's probably because you can't feel pain as well as most people Aichi, and you probably already knew this"

"...... Maybe...."

The smaller breathed as he relaxed against the older's chest, the brunette was thinking that the smaller boy's actions were quite odd.

"Maybe what?"

Kai asked, wanting the younger to continue his sentence.

"Maybe I should go to the hospital after all...."

The blue haired boy breathed softly as he allowed the brunette to carefully hold him.

Alarm flared within the older, for not once had the smaller boy mentioned that he should go to the hospital willingly.

"Aichi are you feeling okay?....."

The brunette asked as he moved the boy away from his chest to look at his face, the younger's body was limp as Aichi murmured.

"Not really....."

The younger's voice was weak, Kai felt his forehead and cursed slightly under his breath. it was no wonder the boy had felt warm and had made him feel too warm under the blanket, the boy had a seriously high fever, most likely due to his injuries.

"Does it hurt more than usual?"

Kai asked as he left the boy to grab a clean shirt for the younger to put on.

"No..... But it's sort of foggy? You know, in my head"

The smaller boy replied softly as the brunette helped him to put on a clean shirt.

"That's probably because of the fever...."

"I see.... Why are you suddenly moving around all of the sudden?"

"I'm taking you to the hospital now, and I will not tolerate you saying no to me"

The brunette sighed as he helped the smaller boy up off of the ground, a slightly defeated smile crossed over the younger's face.

"Okay..... I won't stop you"

The brunette wondered if the fever was affecting the younger, either way, he was thankful for his co-operation as he lead the boy down the stairs.

He wrote a quick note to Shizuka so that she wouldn't panic about her son being missing so soon after he had come back.

Both teens placed on their shoes before the brunette lead the obedient Aichi out the door and into the cool night air.

The brunette didn't want to make the younger walk so he called for a taxi.

"It looks so nice out...."

Aichi sighed as he looked around at the lights illuminating the streets.

"I guess it does...."

The older replied, guessing that looking at the view while they waited for the taxi wouldn't hurt.

"It reminds me of our first date......"

The blue haired boy whispered as he leaned against the older, Kai could help but smile slightly as he remembered how adorable the younger had been on that day, especially with the streetlight illuminating the boy's adorable features.

After a while of waiting, the taxi finally arrived and the two headed towards the hospital.

Me: hehe ^-^ I'm torturing Aichi again~~~

Miwa: you're so mean.....

Me: I love Aichi so I can't help it >~<

Kai: .......

Miwa: hehe so Kai seems a little jealous~

Kai: tch

Aichi: 0.0

Me: hehe anyway~ hope ya people enjoyed le chappy~

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