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This is the story of two men. One bad man? One good man? I don't even know anymore. I'll tell the story and you can decide which side of the moral spectrum we're on.

I met him on a cold morning before dawn; back then we were both still so young, merely teenagers. He was stealing food from my father's pantry. That sounds like something a bad guy would do, right? But I mean, I was stealing food from the pantry too. 

His name was Christopher.  He was one of the world's top superheroes, with a successful save rate of ninety-eight percent. He had saved hundreds, thousands, even millions, maybe. We had grown together in a sense. We weren't together all the time, but we grew from boys to men at the same time and somewhere along the line we swapped paths. From bad to good, good to bad, our sides had flipped more times than a coin. Even when he died, our sides had flipped again. 

He didn't just die, though. He was killed.

And I killed him.

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