After their meal, they quickly got ready. Enya had chosen to wear a bikini, khaki shorts and a tourquise tank. She threw her hair into a bun and a pair of flip flops.

Cato and chosen similar. Khakis, black tank, and flip flops. "Ready babe?" He asked.

"About as ready as I'll ever be. I don't suppose you're going to tell me what we're doing are you?"

"Fat chance Fire Cracker. You'll see when we get there." He said laughing.

"Didn't think so, just so you know if I end up stroking out because I can't handle the surprises, its your fault." She said crossing her arms as they walked.

"I think you're doing just fine. You're going to love it, promise." He grinned.

"Can not believe we're doing this. Oh wait I take that back, I can because you're Cato Fucking Adrenaline-junky Slade. I swear to God, you're going to make yourself a widow before we even leave this damned island." Enya said hitting her paddle back into the ocean.

Cato was laughing the entire time they'd paddled out in the canoe. It'd been his idea to canoe out towards some water caves. He clearly had a death wish.

"Calm yourself Fire Cracker You're doing great. Remember this is basically my profession and I've been doing it for a very long time." He said splashing her a bit.

Enya had to admit the sight was breath taking, just then she looked down into the water and seen sharks swimming around. "Cato get me the fuck out of here there are sharks and I clearly do not have a death wish. You on the other hand. If I survive this, first thing I'm doing when I hit dry land is murdering you and then I'm taking a xanax."

She fumed even more when Cato's laughter grew even louder. He was certainly having fun with this. "Those are nurse sharks. They're harmless, that's why they do close to the shore, their mouths are tiny. Sharp but tiny, the worst they can do is take your thumb off."

Enya mumbled something vulgar under her breath and continued paddling, that only caused him to laugh harder.

"If you don't stop laughing I'm going to turn around and push your ass in. I love you, I love you a thousand times but you're totally being a douche bag right now. " she said seething.

"Okay, I just can't help it. You're incredibly cute mad and aggravated. I don't mean to laugh but it's crazy watching Enya-Misses Badass-Slade freaking the fuck out over a tiny canoe ride in the ocean."

After a few pondering moments, Enya resided that he was right. She literally was freaking out over nothing and she had said she trusted him, so she calmed herself and set about trying to enjoy the rest of the moment they were sharing.

It didn't take long, she glanced down and seen more of the ocean life underneath. The waters were so clear she could see an array of colorful fish, some sting rays, the reef. It was gorgeous and fascinating how busy it was down there.

Before long they were paddling close to the caves. It was a little harder to paddle out that way and the waves were definitely a bit harsher. Enya braved herself and pushed on with Cato.

"Alright babe, this is where I'm going to need you to listen to everything I say, once we're inside it'll be more calm."

Enya could only nod her head. She waited aware for his commands.

"Alright, paddle with me babe, fast strokes and brace yourself to ride out each wave. Great, you're doing great. Keep going! Alright here we go!" He said taking on his instructors tone.

The first wave took Enya by surprise, she hadn't been prepared for how violent it was, still she paddled harder just like Cato was shouting for her to do. The second wave was just as forceful but not nearly as jarring now that she knew what to expect.

"Okay great, we're turning a little so let's straighten ourselves out. There we go, and paddle again! One more wave and we should make it in!"

Just like that they were inside the caves. Cato grabbed his backpack and dug out two head flashlights. Enya took one and situated on her head. There were a few openings that let light into the cavern but not enough to enjoy the view.

There seemed to be a flat area up ahead and Cato guided them over to it. He was the first to get out onto the landing, then reaching a hand out pulled Enya up next, followed by the canoe.

"This is amazing!" Enya eyed the area. The water inside was darker, giving hint that it was much deeper than what had been outside.

Cato laid out a blanket and grabbed a two paperbag lunches he'd made earlier.

"How romantic," Enya laughed, "although I'm sure you've got something up your sleeve."

"Ha. If only you knew." He said patting a seat next to him.

They ate quickly, leaving nothing much empty bags. Cato cleaned everything up while Enya streched out. She'd closed her eyes and was fiddling with her rings when she felt his kiss.

"I knew you had something planned you kinky sex god." She said with her eyes still closed.

"Mmm you just know how to turn me on Fire Cracker. I'm constantly thinking dirty thoughts about you.

"Show me what you've been thinking about Slick." She said seductively.

Cato leaned down and began working his mouth around her neck, slowly he reached for one of covered mounds, her nipples already budding with desire. He shifted a little so that he was ontop of her, gently rubbing his erection against here center.

The dry humping was killing Enya. Everything Cato was doing was sending wave after wave of desire straight to her sex.

Hoarsly she spoke Cato's name. "Please, I can't. I can't." She tried to say.
Cato release his grasp on her breast and lifted her shirt, he yanked both triangle pieces of fabric to the side and began working his mouth over the hardened buds.

Enya moaned in ecstasy, digging her fingers into his dark hair. "Please Cato, I need you-" she said more desperately. She reached down and pulled his shirt off of him and became roaming all over his flesh.

Cato released her nipples hastily and quickly removed her shorts and bottoms. He was trailing kisses down to her soft folds when she stopped him. "No. I want you. I need you inside me. Now."

Cato didn't hesitate, he unbuttoned his shorts and freed his rock hard cock from boxers.
He grabbed himself and paused, slowly stroking himself.

"Please Cato. Please." She begged, reaching up to play with her own nipples.

"I love it when you beg." He said a moment before he drove himself into her waiting center.

Enya let out a scream of pleasure instantly grabbing onto his ass to push him deeper.

"You're so fucking wet baby. You feel so damn good." He said pumping harder.

Enya could only moan her agreeance as to how incredible this felt.

His hands roamed all over her body, his thrusts speeding up, Enya matched him thrust for thrust.

When she thought she couldn't take it anymore her insides began to quiver. Her walls tightening around him she rode the waves of her release.

Cato pumped into her one last time before finding his own sweet release. He brushed her hair out of her eyes and planted a kiss on her forehead. "I hope you know how amazing you are."
Enya shifted to look into his eyes, "You can be soo incredibly sweet sometimes. What did I do to deserve you?"

He smiled and withdrew himself, "Let me know when you find the answer. I've been asking myself that since the first time I knew I loved you. You ready to head home? The way out is harder then getting in."

Shifting her bikini top into place and reaching for her bottoms, "ready whenever you are Slick."

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