The Ending

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Demi is catching her breath.
She locked herself in one of the storage slots in the museum.
"Dangit, why did this have to happen...", she says.
She hears undead trying to enter the room and get her from the other side of the door.
The door slightly opens and Demi quickly stands againt the door to keep the corpses from getting in.
A tear rolls down her cheek, and another one, and another one.
She slowly starts crying while holding the bat in her left hand tightly.

After Marijn got bitten everything went backwards: they didn't clear out well enough and people started dying quickly.
Demi group got separated, but Demi highly doubts anyone survived. It would be impossible to win the land back or leave of the community, not alive atleast.

A hard push at the door follows.
Demi is starting to lose hope.
Another hard push and Demi gets pushed away.
She swings her bat and neutralises one of the undead. Another swing.
They're with too many and she quickpy gets overpowered and gets bitten, before getting consumed alive.

Carl loads his shotgun and pulls the trigger, it shatters the head of the corpse infront of him.
He grines and reloads again. An empty shell flies through the air.
He pulls the trigger, and reloads again.
He squeezes between the busses and starts running.

The community is destroyed
Society is once again gone
Everyone is dead

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