Everyone bows

45 0 3

"What's that?"
Jamie and David are looking out over the area from the balcony.
"It's a truck", Jamie answers.
"I'll stay here, go get Marijn, David"
He runs through the halls and enters the main hall, where Marijn is giving orders to move the art and fossils to the storage rooms.
"Marijn! We've got company!", David yells.
"Go back up and aim on them, stay unseen"
"What are you gonna do?", David asks.
"You will see, just have my back, OK?"
"Ofcourse", David says and he runs back to the balcony.
"Ok, everyone, get a gun and stay inside! If you hear a shot, come to the frontdoor!", Marijn says and he walks to the front door with a handgun. The truck has already arrived.

"How can I help you gentlemen?", Marijn says.
"Quit the fun chat, we are here for Norman and we require half your supplies, food and water", a guy with a black kevlar vest says roughly.
"How about... No", Marijn answers with his common serious and low voice.

"I don't think you have a choice pall", the guy continues. Marijn analyses the situation; 4 guys with automatic rifles, one guy's rifle is on safety lock and an army truck strong enough to resist bullets. Marijn starts walking towards them. The guy in kevlar raises his rifle.
"No step closer or I'll put a bullet between your eyes!"
"See that balcony?", Marijn asks retorically, "I've got 2 sharpshooters on it and the moment you pull the trigger for one second, hitting me or not, all four of you will be dead within seconds"

He keeps walking and puts his arm around the kevkar guy's neck and puts his handgun against his head.
"I will only talk to the leader and you don't strike me as a leader, idiot", Marijn whispers in his ears and he pushes the guy on his knees.
"I will be waiting!", he says and walks back inside.

They get in the truck and take off.
"Hey Steve! That guys is nuts man!", a big guy on the back seat says.
"Shut up, Norman will come for sure, and then they will talk differently", the kevlar guy says.
"Everyone bows for Norman..."

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