The man with one eye

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Marijn walks towards the cars that form the back of the community walls. Four men and women with rifles are standing on top of it and Marijn orders to let them open the gates.
The big steel doors open slowly.
He sees a man with a brown hat standing in the opening. The man steps forward.
Marijn grabs his gun and points it at the man.
"Don't step any further!", he says and the man stops walking.
"What do you want?", Marijn continues.

The man sets another step.
"I said no step further!", Marijn repeats.
"Back me up Kat!", Marijn says and Kat points her gun at the man too, ordering the others to do the same.
"You're serious ain't ya?", the man says.
"Yes, now identify yourself!", Marijn answers.

"My name is Carl", the man says and he takes off his hat. A large hole shows in the place where Carl's left eye should be, surrounded by red, scarred skin and only half an ear.
"What the-"
"Yes, I know... very interesting, can we just get to bussiness?", Carl says.
Marijn slowly assembles the iron armoring to his stub.
"Sure, follow me", he says.
Carl grines and sets his final steps of entering the community.

"Nice thing you've got running", Carl says as Marijn closes the door of his office in the museum.
"Thanks", Marijn says as he sits down on the chair behind his desk and gets a piece of paper out of his jacket and reads it.
"My men were keeping a close eye on you. And yes, I didn't know of that, because this community is too big to know every little thing that's going on", he says.
Carl grines.

"How old are you?" Marijn asks.
"19 years old", Carl says.
Marijn looks up surprised.
"Why were you studying our walls so much?", Marijn asks.
"Because I was looking if it's safe to join you", Carl says serious.
"Is it?"

"You're going in guarantene for a week. Standard procedure when someone wants to join us.", Marijn explains.
Carl nodds and gets up.
Marijn calls in some men.
"Search this man for weapons and get him to storage 1 for guarantene", he orders.
The men nodd.

The door closes and he hears the sound of it being locked
Carl is alone in a dark room.
No windows or weak spots, damn.
He takes his left shoe off and rips out the sole; a small pocket knife is underneath, he takes it out, puts the sole in and puts his shoe back on.
He puts his hand in the back pocket of his pants and gets a police badge.
It has a name on it:
'Sherrif Rick Grimes"

He puts it to his chest.
"Keep me safe dad...", he says.
He puts it back in his back pocket and unfolds the pocket knife while walking to the side of the door and hits it several times.

Now wait for response...

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