Lose yourself

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Charlie gets up and whipes tears of her face, she's not laughing anymore. She plays with the gun as she walks towards the front gates. She grines and touches the wood, before walking to the left side of the gate and pulling the rope that hangs there; the thick wooden gate-door moves away from her. She goes through the opening in the gate and watches it slowly close behind her.
She walks down the marble stairs infront of the museum.
"Hello Charlie", a man that walks by says. Charlie grines and ignores it.
"Good day", another man says while, again, she only responds with a grine.
"Amazing day...", Charlie says to herself.

She passes the houses, goes into the agriculture section and walks twards the busses and vans that make the walls. On one of the busses a woman is laying down, sleeping.
Charlie pulls at her leg and the woman falls off the bus; it's Kat.

"You son of a bitch!", Charlie yells at a sleepy Kat. She kicks Kat.
"Why did you do that?!", Kat asks after getting up.
Charlie slaps her.
"What are you-"
Kat gets interupted by Charlie slapping her again.
"What's wrong with-"
Another slap.
They both keep silent.
Charlie slaps again and walks off without saying anything, leaving Kat in confusion.

Marijn coughs.
He's sitting on a bench on the balcony at the front of the museum, staring at the stars on the dark blue sky. In his left hand hes holding a piece of bread and in the other hand a bottle of beer.
He takes a draft from the beer.
"Hi John", Marijn says without looking behind him.
"Hey", John responds, his face is red and swolen from Marijn's punch.
"Sit down and take a beer", Marijn says while picking up the six-pack that was standing next to him and puts it on the middle of the bench.

John sits down.
"I don't drink", John says.
Marijn sighs.
"I don't see the use of all this anymore", he says.
"What do you mean?", John asks.
"It's been more than six year that this has been going on now", Marijn says. "We've accepted that no help will ever come and that society is gone, but what are we still living for?"
Marijn takes another draft.
"We think we're safe and that nothing can get us here, but is that really true? We've seen how fragile it all is the last two days. This thing we have here, won't last forever, we'll have to go back to survival at basics once, and will we be ready for that?"
"U think so...", John answers.
Marijn takes another draft and grines.
"That's a naive, the answer is much simpler and requires much fewer words; no. We won't be"

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