This is war

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The sound of a heavy vehicle can be heard in every corner of the city.
"This is our only chance everyone!"
Marijn's voice is loud and clear; Skye, David and Raven are suiting up.
"You're in charge when I'm gone, understand?", Marijn asks Henry.
"Get in the bus quickly!", Raven yells and she sits down on one of the back seats near David. Marijn gets the wheel and Skye sits down next to him.
"Lets role", he says and takes off.
"We need to do this fluently and-", Raven can't finish her sentence because she already sees the military truck.
Marijn hits the gas and keeps the bus at distance infront of the truck.
"Raven get on top!", he yells. She gets out and jumps on the truck and takes some of the men down, but one of them succeeds to catch her.
"Get the wheel, Skye. I'm helping her", Marijn says and he gets up from his seat.
"Out of the way, David!", he yells and runs to the back of the bus and jumps out, on the truck.
He throws some guys off and Raven takes the wheel of the truck.
"That went well", Marijn says as he takes the seat next to Raven.
She raises her tumb and signs to the bus that they can go back to the museum. They turn around and start driving back.

"Good job"
The truck stops infront of the museum and they start getting the two crates to the mail hall, which is completely fortified.
Henry and David get a crowbar and start opening the first crate.

"This is sweet!", Henry says and he looks in the crate; it's a set of three compound bows and tons of arrows.
"Well, this can be rather useful", Joseph says and looks into the second crate, it's separated in two compartiments; one part has some silencers and the other part has welding gear.
Marijn grabs the welding gear and goes up to one of the storages.
"I will be using this, but I need help"
"I'll come" A man gets up, probably from Raven's group.
"Do I know you?", Marijn asks.
"I'm John", he says.
"Can you clap your hands, John? That's a bit hard for me atm", Marijn says.
"Ofcourse", John answers and he claps his hands to get the attention.
"Thanks. Ok I need those in the weapon storage and those silencer have to be put on the most used weapons! Thanks!", Marijn says.
He turns around and they walk through the hall and go into the first storage room.
"So, John, how have you been holding up?", Marijn asks.
"Fine, I guess. What happened to you?", John asks and points at the bandages on his shoulder and stub.
"Got captured by some guy and he chopped off my hand and I got shot in my knee and shoulder, that guy killed my wife too...", a single tear rolls over his cheek.
"Oh...", John says, "I don't know what to say..."
"Then don't say anything"
Marijn grabs one of the iron plates and starts bending it around his wrost and stub.
"What's the purpose of that?", John asks.
"That makes it hit harder. Can you hold the iron with this? Don't pinch it too hard", Marijn laughs and he gives John some big welding pliers.
Marijn puts the welder on.
"Done, thanks", Marijn says.
"No problem"

"We need to do this quick, Kat"
They enter the garage.
Charlie and Kat got out of bed and try to escape Charlie's father's comunity.
"How will we even do this?", Kat asks. "This is impossible"
"No it isn't", Charlie says. "This is the time the guards switch shift, so no one is on the look-out"
"You can drive right?", Charlie asks.
"Yes, but-"
"Then get in the truck and drive to the gate", Charlie says.
"I won't-", Kat protests.
"Just do it!"
Kat mumbles something, but eventually starts driving to the gates.
Charlie runs to the gates and opens them.
"Drive, I'll close them behind us", Charlie says and she closes the gates as Kat drove through them.
"Where exactly are we going?", Kat asks while Charlie gets in the truck
"My dad was talking about some trouble with a group in the city-museum, we're helping them", Charlie says as she gets in the car and they drive away.

"Nowhere to be found, I'm sorry, man"
"GOD DAMMIT! They have her! I'm a sure of it dammit!"
Norman is red of rage.
"I'm sure we'll find-", Sergio tries to say.
"They have them! I'll kill every last one of them!"
"Norman it's-"

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