Chapter 42

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(Two weeks later)
Katherine POV

I haven't been to work, I talked to Vince and he understood. Wade has been taking care of me and we're just friends. I haven't spoken to any of my family members, They have been trying to contact me, but I just don't want to talk to them, especially Kaitlyn. I still don't know why she would hit me in the back with a steel chair. I haven't seen or spoken to Dean and I kinda miss him.

"I bought us some Starbucks, love." Wade greeted me as he entered the hotel that we were staying at, I have been traveling with him because he still has to wrestle and I just like his company.

"Yes!" I squealed cheerfully. I got off of the couch and he handed me a cup.

"Um, Katherine tonight is Raw and I was wondering if you would like to go with me," he said shyly. "You don't have to go," he added.

"I will go," I replied. "Besides it's not like I'm gonna wrestle I will just hang around with you," I said with a smile. I was nervous but I have to go back sooner or later.

Dean POV

"Hey, are you okay?" Roman asked me for the millionth time.

"Yes." I lied. I haven't seen or heard from Katherine in two weeks, I was worried about her.

"You know I'm gonna keep asking you until you talk to me about Katherine," he said.

"I miss her but I think she is better off with Wade," I confessed.

"Wade?" He questioned."Dean, I know that deep down inside that it is killing you, you don't want Katherine to be with anyone but you." he said and he was right I was jealous of Wade but Katherine doesn't want to see me.

"She doesn't want to see me," I said with a frown.

"Don't be so hard on yourself Dean." He said with sympathy.

"What time is it?" Seth asked as he walked out of his hotel bedroom, he looked like a zombie as he walked by.

"7:23 a.m." Roman replied.

"Thanks," Seth said to Roman then walked into the kitchen to make himself some coffee.

"Do you think she'll come tonight?" I asked Roman.

"I honestly don't know," he replied.

"Hey, guys check this out," Seth said. He was holding his phone then he handed Roman the phone. Roman was reading something on Seth's phone to himself.

"Hey let me see," I said.

"It's nothing important," Roman said to me. So I snatched the phone out of his hand and read," Katherine Hart and Wade Barrett seen together on a date."

Is Katherine really fucking Wade?! She wouldn't she-Wade better not be fucking her cause if he is I will end him! If I cant have Katherine no one can!

"Dean," Seth said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"She's not with Wade," I said angrily to myself.

"Dean, if she is then maybe you should move on, too," Roman said calmly. I tossed Seth's phone on the coffee table and glared at Roman.

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