Chapter 5

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Katherine POV

"She has forty more minutes till the ceremony!" Says Brie.

"She will be ready by then." Said Nikki finishing my eye makeup." There she's ready!" Nikki says letting me open my eyes to see how I look.

"Wait, what about you guys? Aren't you guys gonna get ready?" I asked with a questioning face.

"Don't worry about us," Katy said handing Nikki and Brie their dresses. The dresses looked the same, black and reached their knees and they all had the same red high heels.

"I thought me and you were twins, Katy?" I ask while giggling. We all laughed at my comment then we heard a knock on the door. I opened it to see, Wade.

"Wow, Katherine you look amazing." He says with a smile.

"Thank you," I say then let him in after Brie, Nikki, and Katy said their goodbyes.

"So are you ready?" He asks me before kissing my lips.

"I am, but you aren't," I tell him showing him a tux.

"You want me to wear this?" He asks with a smirk.

"Yes, I do now go change," I said in a commanding voice.

"Make me." He says challengingly. Then I kiss him on the lips and tell him," Go change please." I ask with puppy dog eyes.

"Fine. Anything for my Queen." He said with his sexy British voice.

He enters the bathroom and comes out six minutes later.

"Wade you look so dashing in a tux," I said admiring the way he looks in a tux.

"Why thank you, my love." He says before he kisses me on the lips. He pulled away from me when we heard a knock on the door. I open it to see a WWE tech guy.

"You are up in ten minutes, Miss Katherine." He tells me and walks off.

"Well, it's time," Wade says walking from behind me. And intertwines our fingers together. As we made our way to the gorilla.

Dean POV

"Are you sure that this has nothing to do with the girl?" Roman asked.

"Yes, I am sure now stop asking me." I lied to him. He gave me a 'are you serious' face.

"What are we going to do about her brothers?" Seth asked.

"We will just throw them out of the ring," I said with a smirk.

"Why won't we just attack Randy, I mean he is the face of the company," Seth suggested.

"Because Wade is the leader of the nexus. They run this company and that is an injustice." I told him.

"Look," Roman said to us while pointing in Wade and Katherine's direction. They were walking while holding hands. Katherine looked so beautiful in her dress, She had a beautiful smile on her face. They couldn't see us because we were in the corner. I watched as they walked then Wade have Katherine a kiss and I felt jealous, I was also getting pretty pissed off because I saw Wade and Summer sucking each other's faces. Wade is with Katherine, he shouldn't be with a slut.

Sure I have done bad things to women like cheat and lie but Katherine is different she is kind, smart, beautiful, feisty- wait why am I getting butterflies in my stomach by just seeing her. Ugh, I am Dean Ambrose, I don't get soft because of some girl. I fight in the ring and I drink beer and sleep with women that I don't give a damn about.

"I wonder how long they have been together," Roman said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"We can figure that out later." Seth simply replied."He has got to be one lucky guy to have her. I mean she is really hot." Seth commented. I got angry at him and gave him a death glare.

"Whoa, Dean. What's with the stare? All I did was say she is hot." Seth said. Then I realized that I was being protective of Katherine. I don't even know the chick and I feel like I have known her my whole life, ugh why does she have this effect on me?

"I was just thinking." I lied. Seth and Roman just shrugged."We should get going for our entrance." I said then we walked off.

Katherine POV

We made our way to the gorilla and waited for the tech guys to tell us when to head down the ramp.

"Are you nervous?" Wade asks while we are waiting.

"Yeah, a little," I respond sounding nervous.

"You shouldn't be nervous."

"I know, but I am," I said before giving him a weak smile.

"I love you." He says before kissing my forehead.

"I love you, too," I said before kissing his lips.

We stopped kissing each other when a tech guy tells us that its showtime.

We walked down the ramp together as my theme song played. Hunter, Randy, Katy, the Bellas, Natalya, my uncle Bret Hart, and my parents were all in the ring while the other superstars and divas were at the entrance. I realized that Dean was not at the entrance which made me a little disappointed in him.

Hunter and Wade helped me enter the ring by holding the ropes for me as I made my way to give my parents a hug.

"We are so proud of you, Katherine." My mother said with tears of joy.

"Yes, we are." My father says with a huge smile on his face.

"Well, we all know why we are gathered here today. And it is to crown Katherine as a Queen?" Bret says into the mic. Then I hear the crowd cheering. There were a lot of cheers because we were in Toronto, Canada.

"Katherine, you have held on to your diva's title for four yours. And you have been a fighting champion, and you were just sixteen when you won the divas title." Bret says facing me.

"I remember when you first told me that you wanted to wrestle and that you would want me to train you. Of course, I said yes just because I thought it was just a phase you were going through but I was wrong. And I realized that I was wrong when I saw your train. You put your heart and soul into everything you did, you fought because you were born to be champion and one that will for sure be in the Hall Of Fame." Says taking the mic away from his face and giving me a hug.

"And now I am proud to call you the Queen of Harts." Bret says into the mic. After he said that Katy hands Bret a tiara and Katy takes the mic away from Bret. Bret then faces me and puts the tiara on my head and whispers,"I am so proud of you."

"Thank you, Bret, for everything," I say quietly but loud enough for him to hear. Bret gets the mic away from Katy and speaks into it saying," Ladies and Gentleman I give to you the Queen of Har-" he was cut off by someone's theme song.



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