Chapter 41

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Katherine POV

I went back to Dean's place to get my belongings. Lucky for me he wasn't home. I was in his bedroom getting my stuff when I heard steps coming from the stairs. I ignored them and continued packing.

"Katherine, w-what are you doing?" Dean asked, his voice was very raspy. I didn't look at him I just continued packing. After about fifteen more minutes I finished packing. I was about to exit the bedroom when Dean stepped in front of me and blocked the doorway.

"Dean, get out of my way," I said coldly. He didn't listen. So I tried to shove him out of my way but he didn't even move a millimeter.

"Don't leave, please," he begged. "I love you," he said while placing his hand on my cheek.

"If you loved me you would have never gone to Summer," I said with my voice about to crack. I whacked his hand away from me. "Don't ever touch me again," I told him then I shoved him as hard as I could and he stumbled back. I walked past him, I could hear him following me.

"Katherine please just stop for a second and hear me out." He pleaded."I didn't go for Summer she came at me." he said. That's when I stopped in my tracks, I turned around to face him.

"She came at you? She had her legs wrapped around you and you two were kissing. Dean, I can't deal with this, I can't cause I don't believe." I told him as tears were slowly coming down my face.

"Princess, please you have to believe me. I only love you. You are the only women I ever moved in with, the only women that I-" I cut him off.

"Dean just stop. I'm done with you." I told him he had a frown on his face.

"If you're done with me then why are still wearing the necklace?" He asked. Then I ripped the necklace off of my neck and threw it at him.

"There, now you can go give that to Summer!" I yelled. I turned around and began to walk away then he grabbed my arm and pulled me into his chest. I was about to slap him but he caught my wrist.

"I would never hurt you-" I cut him off.

"You would never hurt? You're kidding me, right? You already did ." I scoffed."I thought you were different from Dolph and Wade, but I was wrong. You're just like them. Actually you're worse. You'd always get jealous when I was around another guy, Dean I loved you and would never hurt you like the way you hurt me." I said I had more tears falling. He just looked hurt. I was able to pull away from him. I walked away from him and left the house, without looking back.

Dean POV

Ugh, I'm so stupid. I should've never let Summer in. I should've never hurt Katherine. I told myself that I would never let her leave me, but what did I do? I let her go.

All of a sudden I had anger going through my body. I punched the wall, I kicked the coffee table over and it made the vase shatter. I basically trashed the whole place. I stopped and grabbed a bottle of bourbon and began to drink it.


My phone began to ring and it was Roman calling I hung up. I was about to throw my phone, but I stopped when I saw my wallpaper. It was me and Katherine. I miss her smile, he adorable giggle, the taste of her lips, her kind heart. Roman busted into my house with Seth behind him interrupting my thoughts.

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