Chapter 6

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Katherine POV

I have no idea who's theme song this is but then I see Dean and his friends coming through the crowd. What is he doing here?

"What do they want?" I ask Wade with confusion.

"I don't know. Just stay behind me, okay?" He said in a calming voice. But I could tell he was worried.

"Okay," I say as I get behind him. They were getting closer, they went over the barricade. I saw Katy, The Bellas, Natalya, Bret, and my parents leave the ring. I stayed in the ring because I didn't want to leave Wade and because I would need help getting out of the ring thanks to this dress. Randy and Hunter were standing in front of Wade when the guy with blond and black hair attacked Randy, the other guy with long black hair attacked Hunter. Wade was still in front of me making sure I was safe. We were backed up into a corner when Dean grabbed a mic.

"Wade you have served an injustice. Now it is time you pay the price!" He says sounding angry. I was still very confused. Why would Dean say that? Was it because Wade is with me? Then I see that Hunter and Randy get thrown out of the ring and onto the floor by the two guys leaving me and Wade in the ring with them.

Then I see Dean go right after Wade. And watch as Dean and his friend's triple powerbomb Wade. I instantly went to check on Wade but before I could Dean grabbed my arm and pulls me into his chest and let his friends continue their assault on Wade.

"Why are you doing this Dean?" I ask with tears forming in my eyes as I watch Wade get punched and kicked again and again. Dean didn't answer me.

"Dean tell me, answer me, Dean!" I yell.

"I am sorry." Is all Dean says. And I was starting to get mad. Dean lets me go when his friends were done. His friends exit the ring Dean was about to leave when I turned him around and BAM! I slapped him right in the face. He stumbles back and puts his hand on his face where I slapped him. The crowd was shocked. I turn around to check on Wade and when I was by his side I feel muscular arms wrap around me and pull me away from Wade. I saw who it was and it was Dean.

"Let me go, Dean!" I yelled at him with anger. He picks me up bridal style and hands me to his friend with two hair colors who was standing outside the ring. I get out of the guy with two hair colors arms and slap him in the face I take my shoes off and throw them at him. I pick up my dress to try and get the hell out of here but then the guy with black long hair grabs me and lifts me over the barricade and now I am in the arms of a smirking Dean. He grabs my arm and pulls me through the crowd and then backstage with his friends walking behind us.

"Let me go, Dean," I said again still with anger in my voice.

"Not until you say please," Deans says with a smirk.

"You're an ass," I tell him. His smirk was still on his face. Then when we reach a door Dean opens it and pushes me into the room.

"Get dressed. And pack up quickly." He says from the other side of the door and I realize that I am in my locker room. I get dressed in some skinny jeans, a black long sleeve shirt, and some black converse. I pack my stuff while texting Katy.

* text messages*

Kat - hey, it's me I am ok just tell me where you are.

Katy - omg, you are ok! I was so worried about you. And I am in my room.

Kat - okay, I am on my way.

*end of text messages*

I had a plan. You see my locker room has two doors. Dean only knows I have one.

I went to go and open the door and saw Dean's friend with black hair blocking the way. I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine and ran with my luggage. Then I feel muscular arms pull me back into their chest.

"Not so fast, darling." Dean's friend with two-colored hair said. Dean grabs my luggage and carries them. I see the guy with black hair and he doesn't look too happy.

"Let me go," I demanded.

"Not yet," Dean said while shushing me. Then they take me to their locker room.

"You know this is kidnapping," I said coldly to them.

"No, it's not," Dean said with a smirk. I gave him a death glare after he said that. Really? Then please define kidnapping. The audacity. Then his friend with black hair whispered something to him and they all three exited the room. I saw this as my opportunity and locked then outside. I gathered my stuff and left,
they also had two doors.

Dean POV

"Why are we doing this?" Seth asked curiously.

"Because she hit Dean in the face and Dean is upset that she doesn't like him. So we are just going with Dean and see if this cheers him up." Roman said

"I am not upset. And I don't care about being liked." I lied.

"Are you sure your not upset?" Seth asked trying to hold back his laughter.

"Let's just get going," I said before opening the door. I tried to open the door but it was locked.

"She will have to open the door soon," Roman said.

"Wait, don't we have another door in our room," Seth said sounding unsure. We jogged to the other side and saw another door. I opened the door and saw no one in the room.

"She's gone," I sighed.

"Looks like she went through the back door," Seth said after looking around the room.

"What do we do now?" Roman asked looking at me.

"Now we get ready to go to our hotel and make plans for Smackdown," I said with disappointment. 

"That is if we don't get in trouble with you know our bosses for ruining her night," Seth said. I rolled my eyes. We won't get in trouble the crowd loved it.

Katherine POV

After finding Kaitlyn's room and telling her how I got away we headed to a hotel for the night.

"Are you sure you don't want to go and have a girl's night out with me?" Kaitlyn asks while holding a bottle of champagne.

"Yes, I am sure now go have fun I will be fine. Plus I would like to wait until I turn twenty-one to drink." I say while opening the door for her.

"Whatever anyway does this have anything to do with that blue eyes, Dean?" Katy asks with a smirk.

"No, it doesn't I am just really tired plus if I am lonely I will just hang out with Wade," I say before she exits the room.

I closed the door behind her and decide to watch some Big Bang Theory. After watching two episodes I decided to explore the hotel before I get some shut-eye. As I was walking down the hallway I bumped into someone. Are you kidding me?


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