Chapter 31

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Katherine POV

"Wade, what are you doing here?" I asked sounding annoyed. Wade was holding a banquet of red roses in his hand, he knew I loved red roses.

"I want to apologize to you about what happened at the club. I was drunk and when I saw you with Dolph I just got jealous," he confessed.

"You obviously got jealous," I said.

"Katherine Hart Hogan, I will always love you. I made a horrible mistake and then some more mistakes, and I don't care if you don't love me, I will wait for those feeling we both shared together to come back. I just want you to know that you will always have a place in my heart. I just hope we can be friends now." He said sounding sincere.

"Katherine?" I heard Dean say while coming from behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Dean." Wade greeted.

"Hey, asshole," Dean said with anger in his tone.

"I will see you Sunday, goodbye Katherine," Wade said before grabbing my hand gently and placing a gentle kiss on my hand. "These are for you, love," Wade said while handing me the roses.

"Thank you, Wade, for the roses but I think you should get going," I said knowing that Dean was angry with Wade's presence.

"Yeah, get the hell away from here and stay the fuck away from my girlfriend." Dean spat at Wade.

"Dean I didn't come here to fight I just wanted to apologize to Kath-" Dean cut him off.

"Well, you didn't have to kiss her hand or bring her roses or call her love," Dean growled. I get that Dean was jealous but he was being a little too protective. Dean should know that I would never cheat on him, I love Dean.

"Bye Wade," I said before closing the door. I put the roses on the table, then turned to see Dean opening the door and slamming it shut.

Dean POV

I didn't like how Wade came here and flirted with Katherine, right in front of me. So I walked out of Katherine's house and attacked Wade from behind.

"You stay the fuck away from her!" I yelled at him as I continued to punch him in the face. "She is MINE and will never be yours!" I didn't want to stop punching him in the face cause I remember the way he punched me when he and the Wyatts broke into my hotel room and because he had kissed Katherine.

"Dean!" I heard Katherine yell. She tried to pull me off of Wade but she wasn't strong enough. I had snapped.

"Dean?!" I heard Seth yell then he tried to get me away from Wade but failed. Then Roman came out of the house and helped Seth pull me off of Wade. Roman and Seth carried me into the house. I will get my shot at Wade again, eventually.

Katherine POV

"Wade?" I asked with concern. He had a busted lip, a black eye forming, and a cut on his cheek. "Come on let's get you cleaned up," I said before pulling him off of the ground and leading him towards my front door. I opened the door and saw Seth and Roman calming Dean down in the living room.

"What the fuck!" Dean yelled before getting off of the couch and walking towards me and Wade. Roman and Seth quickly grabbed a hold of him. I helped Wade towards the bathroom.

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