Chapter 36

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Katherine POV

"Um, hi um, does Dean Ambrose live here?" He asked.

"Yes." I said then he just walked right past me."Hey!" I said in frustration.

"Katherine-" Dean stopped mid-sentence when he saw the man.

"Dean." the man said with a raspy voice. Dean walked over to me and wrapped his arms protectively around my waist.

"Hey what's taking you guys so long?" Seth asked as he and Roman came into view.

"Can you guys go and grab some beers for me?" Dean asked Seth and Roman they nodded and left.

"Dean, can we talk in private?" The man asked.

"Nope." Dean plainly said while tightening his grip on me.

"That is not how I raised you-" Dean cut him off.

"Raised me? You treated Elena and me like shit." Dean spat.

"I am your Father and you will treat me with respect." Dean's dad spat. Dean said his dad was in prison, now I am confused.

"Don't ever call yourself my father, Jared you just treated me like shit," Dean growled.

"Who are you?" He asked while staring at me."Are you a slut that my son is recently using?" He asked. He got closer and Dean would take a step back pulling me with him. "Oh I know how you're his bitch." he chuckled.

"Don't talk to my girlfriend like that," Dean growled. Dean stopped walking back since his back was against the wall. His dad grabbed my hand and placed a kiss on it.

"You know whatever Dean here is paying you, I can double it," he said with a smirk. I snatched my hand out of his grasp.

"She is my girlfriend, not a slut or bitch." Dean growled. I glared at his dad.

"She's feisty." Dean's dad said.

"Can you leave now?" Dean hissed.

"Listen to me, Dean is not capable of love, he lies." Dean's dad told me with a smirk on his face. Then Dean stood protectively in front of me. His dad was the same height as him.

"Get the hell out of my house." Dean hissed.

"Looks like you grew a pair." Dean's dad chuckled. Then he punched Dean in the face making Dean fall.

"Dean!" I yelled with fear as I got down to the floor to check on him. His dad pulled me back and shoved me into the wall causing me to fall. He pulled me by the hair making me whimper. He made me stand next to him as Dean struggled to get up. "Please let me go," I begged.

"Not until he gets up," he said then tugged harder on my hair. Dean got to his feet.

"Let her go, Jared!" He yelled with anger.

"Make me, son," he said then Dean lunged himself at him and started to throw punches.

"You keep your fucking hands off of her," Dean yelled as he punched his dad. All of a sudden Dean's dad was able to turn things around and his dad began to punch him in the face. I jumped on his back and put him in a headlock. He was able to make me flip over, I fell down then he grabbed me by the hair and slapped me hard in the face. He pulled my hair again and slapped me again. Then Dean tackled him down and started to punch him. Then Dean kicked him out of the house.

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