23: The Battle

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WARNING: The writing is a battle, and it can get pretty gruesome. For some of you it might not, but because I don't know what people take as too violent and not, I'll play it safe. Read at your own will.


 I was a target.

Naturally, being the leader of a gang, that made me the primary target for anyone and everyone. Take me down, and the gang falls apart with no commander. So when the first man to come near us came after me, it was no surprise; I was ready. I twisted around on one foot, spinning to give me enough momentum that when my foot hit his stomach, it sent him flying back. I jumped over to him, landing on my hands and grabbing the knife with one. I flipping back over onto my feet, and used that momentum to fling the man's knife into the crowd and watched as it hit another man in the shoulder and send him flying onto the ground. I had a bad habit of making a fight look badass.

M was the next up in line, and I took his first punch and caught it. Twisting his wrist, I wrapped his arm around his back and was ready to break it when I got knocked backwards. Another one of his men had appeared to aid him, but one of mine took that one on before I could move. M had already disappeared into the crowd of people, and suddenly I was lost at sea. There was fighting and chaos on any side of me, and shouting and grunts of pain filled the air. The air was heated, and the tension came in waves as fighters took on one another. I took my knives out, and sighed, regaining my head. My family needed me right now.

I began slipping through the crowd, slipping my knife through people whenever I got the chance. I attempted to avoid fights head on, and instead took on attackers that looked overwhelming to my own group. I noticed one of the younger ranked girls fighting a man twice her size and bulk. She was quick, but a blow of his kept her down for several moments. I sprinted around people, shoving others out of my way as I ran up to the man, leaping and bringing my knife down his forearm. He was larger than me as well, despite my height, and I ducker as he swung a meaty fist at me. I got behind him, hooking one of his ankles and sending him toppling towards my younger soldier, and took a rock and knocked him out clean. I gave her a nod before she disappeared again.

I was suddenly faced with a shorted boy, dark hair matted and teeth gritted. He had blood already trickling down his head, and once he realized who he had taken on he froze, face growing fearful. This was not a fight for lower ranked members, especially the younger soldiers. This was a fight based on hatred that went back further than most can remember, and I placed my knife behind my back, giving him a nod. He looked relieved, scampering back off into the crowd.

I whipped around, hearing a rush of air behind me as I set the boy free. Sure enough, another man was there, swiping at me. I lifted my forearm to protect my head, and a huge gash cut through my skin. Hissing in anger, I leaped backwards, catching myself only barely as he pressed forward, swiping at me with two knife blades. Anger filled me as he drove me backwards, stumbling. Finally, I planted one foot down and looked for the opening. I saw it, and flicked my wrist forward, right between the blades of his knives and punching his straight in the nose, stopping his advancements. Putting my knife back into place, I continued punching at him, driving him back in the same manner that he had thrown me around. I ended it with a final roundhouse kick directly to his cheek and knocking him into the ground.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed my shoulder and threw me onto the ground. I rolled away from the knife that stabbed where my abdomen should have been. I shifted my weight onto my hands and shoulders, flipping my legs into the air and kicking my attacker under the chin. I knocked whoever it was backwards, and stumbled back into yet another man. This battle never ended, and being a leader only made me more prone to attacks, I was a big target. The man turned, and two other joined him. Gritting my teeth, I punched him straight away before anyone could move, surprising him and I flicked my knife back out along with a second one, lashing out to the other two in a whirlwind of blades. I cut their forearms, even nicked the man on the chin, and sent them fleeing into the crowd. The other two men behind me tried to jump me, and I caught a fist, ripping at his upper arm with a knife and throwing him backwards as I dodge the other one. I cut him a few times as well, and he ran fleeing.

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