17: Hug?

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 I sighed, sitting on my bed and staring out the window. Night had fallen, and my dinner tray sat in front of me. I had picked at my food, but my excitement and anger had warded off my appetite. I was happy that I was going to see Cry again, I missed talking to him and now I would get to again. On the other hand, I had been so busy that I still had no time to read over the documents. My window of time to save this city was running out, and I was spending all my free time with Cry instead. My fingers reached under my pillow and felt for the documents, running over the paper gently as not to cut myself. I would need to get back to them soon. As for now, I needed to get outside.

After returning my tray and waiting for everyone else to go to sleep, I went back down the stairs and snuck through the front doors when no one was looking. I did this every night I needed to go outside, and I wasn't sure if I was sneaky, or if the guards were merely futile. I strode through the city once I was out of sight of HQ, and kept my head high. Even though I had to wait even longer to get to the papers I needed to read at home, I was strangely not disappointed. It was probably just me going to see Cry, he always knew how to lift my spirits.

That man, however, had been acting rather odd. He'd tried to get rather close to me the night before. It was never much of a problem for me before, but something about it made me tense up. I was probably just too tired to know what was happening, but I knew that tonight I would keep an eye out. It might be my brain over exaggerating things, but I would find out soon enough.

I made it to the park, the serenity of the night making it peaceful, and beautiful in its own way. The outside world once had plants growing all over the place, and flowers had been one of my favorite things. This park was the only place in the city with life left that hadn't been destroyed. There was even a pond, with water that was probably contaminated, but a pond nonetheless.

I found Cry sitting in his willow tree, and he slipped down from it to greet me. I noticed how when we first had met, his mask constantly stayed over his entire face. As we started talking more, I noticed that his smile was always there, his mask above his mouth so that I could see it. He wore it that way around his own gang as well I was sure, and around anyone else he kept his face concealed. I wondered why he kept it that way, but I didn't want to ask. I would later, when I felt that the question would be better to ask. Cry led me to the base of his willow tree and we sat, his grin imminent.

"How have you been?" he asked, and I chuckled.

"Cry, it's only been a day. Not much has happened." I reminded him, and he nodded.

"This is true, but aren't the people in your gang suspicious about the fact that the leader of the largest gang in the city showed up and demanded your attention?" he asked, and I knew that he was right. People still shot me funny looks, and Cry's name was still whispered and passed around whenever I came near. They knew it got on my nerves, and Covert could only do so much to stifle their words.

"They are, but you needn't worry about them." I waved his worries away, shaking my head. "I can take care of myself." I looked at him, and his eyes behind his mask shone with the light of the moon. I could have sworn that his eyes were blue behind that mask, but I couldn't be sure.

"Alright, fine," he said, laughing. He sighed, and looked at me again. "You know, you never quite answered my question yesterday. What are you doing in the city again?" his question made me stiffen, and I had to think of some excuse to give him now. I couldn't dodge this forever, but I also couldn't lie. Especially not to Cry.

"Well, some of the plant life has started coming back outside, and although things look bad, we need more people to help plant and farm and spread the green around." I told him, and this wasn't exactly a lie. Some of the smaller shrubs were reappearing when I had entered the city several months ago. I could only imagine how they were now. With large numbers of people helping, we probably could spread it again, and this city had a lot of people to do just that. "I was hoping to convince some of you guys to come and help out." Cry looked at me, and then tipped his head back, laughing. "What's so funny?" I demanded, slightly offended.

The City - PewdieCryजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें