20: Decisions

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My eyes opened to the morning sun, and I immediately sat up. Everything from last night was still fresh on my mind, and I felt energy rush through my as though I was struck by lightning. I recall having enough adrenaline from last night to sprint the whole way home, and forced myself to sleep. Even now, pulling on my clothes and racing to the elevator, I felt like I could run to John on the other side of the city and back. I made my way into the lobby before anyone else had even been awoken, and I grinned as Wilson stepped out from the basement, yawning and stretching.

"Morning!" I said cheerfully, moving my mask above my mouth to reveal my grin. Wilson smirked, looking me up and down.

"Someone is awfully excited today," he noted. "That same someone who isn't usually a morning person."

"What can I say, its a new day!" I shrugged, taking an apple from one of the chefs who offered it to me and indulging in a rather large bite of the fruit. Wilson eyed me curiously, before giving me a wide grin as though having just solved a puzzle.

"So, am I right then?" I looked at him, frowning in confusion. He only grinned wider, stepping forward. "I guess that you went to see Pewdie last night, and something happened that made you realize your feelings for him. Therefore, I've been right this entire time. You can admit to it now," he said, cheekily. I snorted at him, trying to hide my blush but it crept over my ears and he saw that, making him laugh. "Good for you, Cry."

"Shut up." I told him, turning from him.

"No, wait, come back. What happened, did you kiss? Was it adorable?" Wilson was grinning madly, and I rolled my eyes.

"Look, Wilson, what happens in my spare time is none of your-." I began, but he hushed me.

"Okay, that's fine, sh!"

"Oh, what, now you're not interested?" I raised an eyebrow, smiling, but Wilson only grabbed my arm, hushing me once more. I suddenly sensed his urgency, and I realized something was wrong a fraction of a second too late. Wilson flipped us around, throwing me out of harm's way as a bullet came flying through one of the glass front doors, shattering it and hitting Wilson directly in the shoulder, knocking the old man back. The sound of the shot echoed off the buildings and into the streets, and I glanced up from where I kneeled beside Wilson, tears forming in my eyes. A man stood there, trying to figure out if he'd hit his target which I assumed was me, or why else would Wilson stand in the way.

"C-Cry." Wilson spoke hoarsely, grabbing for me, and I looked down at him. The thundering of feet told me that the gunshot had alerted all my waking soldiers, and they were on their way down to the lobby. "Cry, are you h-hurt?"

"Of course not!" I snapped, sniffling to prevent my nose from running and wiping away the tears that fell as suddenly as the bullet appeared. "You're so stupid! What were you thinking of, taking a bullet like that?" I felt Matt at my side, and he gasped. Wilson looked up as more people crowded around, trying to figure out what had happened. I turned to the street, and the assassin was still standing there, trying to deduce whether or not he'd hit me. I clenched my teeth, anger suddenly filling me to the brim.

"Take care of him, bring him to the infirmary!" I snapped at Matt and a few other soldiers. "I'm going to make sure his sacrifice wasn't in vain." I stood.

"Cry-." Wilson began, but was cut off by a groan of pain as they helped the man to his feet. I sprinted out the door, leaping through the hole in the door and taking off towards the man. He realized that I had not been hit, but was in fact in front of him, and he took off in another direction in hopes to evade me. Yet, I was pissed. I was so angry that I was seeing red on the edge of my vision and was beginning to lose track of my own movements. I had a single mission, and that was to catch up to this fucker and make sure that he paid for what he did.

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