22: Keep Him Safe

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The few days that I decided to wait for Felix had gone by excruciatingly slow. I had never wanted time to speed up so badly in my life, and if I wasn't busying myself with something, then I was pacing in my room. I would stop to stare into the city for a minute or two, and then back to obsessive pacing. My mask came on and off during those times, and it was like I was losing my mind because I couldn't see him.

Even Wilson was noticing my odd behavior. I visited him daily as he only had the use of one of his arms. He needed a bit of extra help, and I simply kept a soldier down there to aid him if he needed it. I usually relieved that soldier once I went down there, and I would stay for hours on end to listen to that old man tell me how clumsy I was and how I had more grace as a baby. Despite my original thought, Wilson did not scold me for killing the man who tried to kill him. He wasn't happy that Groupings weren't an option anymore, but he felt that I had made a decision as a leader, and that he trusted me to know what was right and wrong. I didn't think that I had enough confidence for something like that, but I wasn't going to argue. At the time I thought it was right, and now I simply didn't think of it. Wilson never let me bring it up either, and anytime someone would ask me if I had did a good or bad thing by executing that plan, Wilson would hush them and send them away. This old man, after so many years, was still looking after me.

"Cry!" Wilson's voice snapped me from my thoughts, and I turned to him from dumping powder in a jar. He examined the powder closely and sighed. "This goes in that canister there," he pointed behind me, and I sighed as well, pulling it out and starting over with the other jar. "Honestly, your head has been in the clouds all day today, and yesterday, and the day before that. Is everything okay? Tell me you're still not losing sleep over that decision you made." I stiffened.

Even after explaining to Felix why I had done it, his words telling me that I scared him rang through my head. I didn't want to scare people with my decisions or actions, but even I was aware that when I was angry, I was almost a different person. I didn't like the thought of scaring people, especially Felix, but I couldn't help it when my family was threatened. Even still, the thought had plagued my dreams and created nightmares far more complex than my brain could understand in reality. I told Wilson what I could about them, and he kept a special eye on me although it really should have been the other way around.

"No, I'm not." I told him, noticing that my thoughts had been dying down. "I just want to see Pewds again, and my impatience is killing me." Wilson grunted, walking over to me and patting me on the shoulder with the hand that wasn't in a sling to prevent his shoulder from healing improperly.

"Well, you get to see him tonight, right?" I nodded, and Wilson grinned, before snapping at me sarcastically. "Then get your arse moving! I don't want to try to work with you all day as you sit with fluff in your brain!" I grinned, laughing as he did and replacing the jars, putting everything in its proper place.

I remained there most of the day, and Wilson, despite my brain truly being filled with clouds themselves, much enjoyed my company. I helped him clean up a bit, and fix a couple more weapons that were being tested as people kept shooting targets to keep their practice up. Wilson disagreed with the futile wasting of bullets, but he also saw sense in keeping aim straight. Other than that, the day was filled with rearranging, cleaning, jokes and banter that were tossed around with the occasional fake punches thrown. This man was practically my father, and I missed the ability to be childish with him like this, and Wilson made my waiting more entertaining.

"Hey, dinner time you two!" Matt called from the door, opening it and poking his head through to let us know. I gave him a nod, and felt excitement course through me. After this meal it was off to see Felix, and I simply imagined holding him in my arms and it filled me with joy. I turned back to Wilson who noticed my sudden excitement.

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