14: The File Room

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 "You did what?!" Covert snapped at me, eyes wide as he stared me down. I had just finished regaling my story of learning to fight so quickly and seemingly overnight. It was after breakfast, and seeing as how neither of us had been assigned to do anything today, we retreated back into my room that had been moved up a couple of floors due to my promotion. Covert had been dying to know my reasons for fighting Ethan, and how I'd managed to do it so efficiently. As much as my brain told me not to tell him for fear of word getting out, my heart told me that Covert was to be trusted. He hadn't tried anything against me before, and I doubted he would now.

"I made my place here, didn't I?" I asked, frowning and looking at him. Covert shook his head, sitting opposite me on my bed and wondering what to think.

"Pewdie, if anyone finds out about this, you're fucked. Without question. Michael will kill you on the spot. You realize this right?" he asked, and I nodded. I held my breath.

"You won't say anything?" I asked quietly, almost too quiet for him to catch. He glanced up, eyes soft and he held an offended look.

"Of course not," he scoffed, nudging me playfully. "What good would that do? Besides, if I get caught withholding information then I die too." I nodded thoughtfully, looking down at my hands and sighing. Covert seemed to instantly know what I was thinking. "Don't. I know how much you want to get in there, but you get caught and you'll go back down to your ranking from the other day."

The file room was on third floor, along with several empty rooms and cubicles that had been left for storage and records of the history of the gangs. It contained blueprints, plans, and basically everything that I needed to confirm whether or not my being in this city was valid. People's lives counted on me getting into that room, and I couldn't afford waiting much longer. Time slowed for no one.

"I have to, Covert. I can't tell you why, you just need to understand that it's vitally important that I get in there." I said pleadingly, looking over at Covert who rolled his eyes, staring up at the ceiling. He flopped onto his back and heaved a sigh.

"Pewdie, as a high ranking officer I could easily go in there for you so there's no risk, if you could just tell me what you're looking for," he said, looking over at me. His gaze was warm, and his offer tempting. Covert could easily get his hands on any file, and bring it to me secretly. No harm, no foul; simple. The only problem was that the plan I needed to find was not something I could share with anyone. My experiences with Cry were one thing I could trust Covert with, and even those I mostly kept to myself; I hadn't sorted my emotions about them either. I couldn't tell Covert, no matter how good a friend. I had to do this myself.

"I gotta do this, bro." I told him gently, looking at my hands. "I have to do it on my own, I'm sorry." I saw Covert sit up out of the corner of my eye, but stared at my hands. I didn't want to look at him despite his gaze running over my features several times.

"Alright, Pewdie. If you have to, then you have to." Covert said, and the breath I didn't know I'd been holding was released. "But be careful. I have to go, I've a scout mission to lead in 10 minutes." I watched as he stood, heading for my door and opening it, turning one last time. "Watch your step, and for the love of all things holy don't get caught." With that, my door shut and I flew to my feet. I put on a pair of boots, my vest, and ran my fingers through my hair after wetting it with the basin I had nearby.

Exiting my room, I went down the stairs quietly, making sure that no one was anywhere nearby. I knew that now would be the time to go, when everyone else was busy. I quickly walked to the door leading into the file room, taking a deep breath and holding it as I opened it slowly, and then ducked inside, shutting just as slow to keep it quiet.

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