2: Late Night Meeting

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I wasn't going to lie, last night had been weird as shit.

What was someone like the mighty Cryaotic doing talking to me? I had come from the outside world into Michael's gang, hoping to learn, comprehend, understand. He had suddenly explain the concept of a Grouping where the leaders of the other groups had demanded our presence, and ours meaning Michael's and my own. Sure when he introduced himself as Cry, I suspected that he could be the malicious man who was talked about in hushed voices in the halls and during meals. He was the source of envy of our group, but he was so nice when he spoke to me. He took my awkwardness and turned it into a normal human conversation.

Most people in my gang didn't like me very much, taking me as a plague from the outside world. A disease that appeared simply to rot the rest of the group into nothing, and most treated me as such. Many simply ignored me, but Michael said that he saw potential and wasn't letting go of me just yet. He had hope.

Yet I continually couldn't get the image of Cry out of my head. He had thick, black hair that stuck out behind his white mask in crazy ways, and a grin that was beautiful in its own way. He had a laugh that could only be described as angelic, and he wanted to talk to me. Not the other leaders, not his own gang members, and although it looked like he spoke to a few ordinary members of other groups, he walked right up to me and introduced himself.

He must be crazy.

"Pewdie," the voice came from the doorway of my room, and I swiftly walked over and opened the door. A scout stood there, and he looked me up and down before giving a quick salute. "Me and a few others were ordered to scout the borders, and Michael thought it would be a good idea for you to come along. Get to know the territory." I nodded, frowning as I had already been given a tour of the gang's area. Either way, it was probably better to learn it well, and so I grabbed a jacket and followed him down the stairs.

I jogged with the group, staying near the back and listening as the others rambled on about how they thought one of the females in our rank was attractive, and how food this morning was terrible. They didn't tune out like I did as I marveled at this buildings and scenery around me. They grew up in this tattered city, I had only just arrived. Everything was strangely a beautiful mess, and I could only wonder why anyone would stay here. From an outside look, this place was uninhabitable and a death trap full of radiation and chaos, but being here was different. It still had city smog, a dangerous environment of broken glass and rubble and debris everywhere. Yet this was home to lots of people, and in a way it was amazing.

"Hey, what are you doing here?!" the shout came from the boy who had demanded I join them on the scout, and I snapped out of my thought process. We had made it to the neutral territory, and I found myself staring at a very familiar mask. Cry looked up, a few of what seemed to be scouts with him as well. They were awfully close to the border, but they were still inside neutral. "What, you think just because you've got a larger gang than ours that it allows you to go wherever you want?"

"He's in neutral territory." I pointed out through a mumble, and the lead scout turned to me, marching forward and grabbing my chin between his fingers.

"Shut your mouth," he hissed softly, his breath hitting my face and I struggled to pull away from him.

"Fuck off dude." Cry's voice interrupted our moment, and my scout turned to the man who was watching us. "He's right, we're in the clear. Don't get your panties in a twist because you don't have any good comebacks to scream at us with." I grinned as the scout gaped at him, walked towards him and drawing in a breath to shout again.

Before any of the other scouts or the lead one could attempt anything, all of Cry's troops held up guns. They weren't anything like our own, but modified for more power and a faster shooting rate. My eyes widened as Cry simply stared at the scout who was watching the guns with fear. Cry's gaze shifted behind his mask, and he stared at me the entire time.

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