Chapter 3 - Dream Man

Start from the beginning

He still had his hand in mine but I didn’t notice.  All I knew is that we were running very fast.  My legs were moving but it didn’t feel like it.  But everything around us was just sliding by, just like being in a car.  This wasn’t real.  No it certainly wasn’t real.

“See, no woman can resist me,” he grinned again as he squeezed my hand, “Sorry, but you are just going to have to enjoy my other talents.” His eyebrows arched suggestively as I tried to pull my hand from his and rolled my eyes.

“I am really starting to dislike you,” I growled softly.

“No, you love me.  Or at least you soon will,” his cheeky smile return as he half shrugged, “it’s inevitable you might as well accept it now.”

“What?  You are so full of yourself!” My teeth were clenched, I was annoyed but I wasn’t even puffing as we moved silently wind lashing our hair.  “Who are you anyway?  What is all of this? And what is going on?”  I tried to stop to make him answer me but he shook his head held my hand tighter and pulled me along.

  “Keep going and I will talk.” He looked at me seriously so I matched his pace, “You may call me Jari,” he inclined his head to me and smiled like it was a private joke.  “I am here to teach you to be a Qaddis.  But first you have to find your Irin and that is more important than anything I teach you at the moment.”

“A what?  I have no idea what you are talking about and, anyway, I am pretty sure that I am about as far from being a Goddess as you get.”

“Qaddis,” he corrected and smiled, “Of course you haven’t otherwise you wouldn’t need me.  Look as much as I love to talk I don’t really want to explain this more than once.  So how about you just find your Irin first.”

“What happens if I don’t want to?”

“It’s not like you have a choice Natalie, your path is already in front of you.”

“Fab, so what does this Irin look like?” I laughed at the absurdity of the conversation.  This really couldn’t be real.  It was just another dream.

“I have no idea.  But you will.  Each time it is different but you will see him for what he is.”

“Him?  So what is he?”

“He is your Soul Mate, the other half to your Soul.”

“You’re kidding right?”


“For a guy who’s just slept with a girl who you obviously have no name for, let just say that I doubt that you believe that any more than I do.”

“Slept?” he laughed and shrugged, “Me, well I am different.  I have three months to enjoy life to full and I intend to make the most of it.  You really have no idea how good you have it.  I might not have a soul mate,” he grimaced painfully at this point, “but that is why you have the job and not me.”

“Hang on, but, that doesn’t make sense?  Why aren’t you this Irin?  If I am suppose to be in... well, if you think I will fall for you then that would make you my...”

“No,” he bluntly interrupted, “I’m not your Irin.  But you will fall in love with me anyway.”  His face shone with a playful smugness.

“Arrgh!  How can you be so... damn annoying!”

“See it’s happening already,” he softly laughed as he looked so damn attractive.

“No it’s not and it will never, never Jari, never!” I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself.  “Great so I have crossed you off my list my potential soul mates then.  Thank God for that.”

“Yes, something very much like that actually.  Anyway keep your eyes open, your Irin will not have been far.  You will have known each other from a young age.  Your soul will call to his.  Fate ensures that you are bound, destined to be together, you will find him.  But you need to be careful while you look.  Avoid situations like yesterday for a while.  While your soul is searching it causes the males around you to be a little testosterone rich, if you know what I mean.  They can get a little aggressive.  Even once you find him he will be confused and frustrated as he wakes.”


“Waking is hard and can be painful for the male.  His soul will hear you and bind itself to you, then his heart will take control of his emotions causing him to think less with his head, well maybe I should rephrase that, with his cranium.  Males find it far more difficult to adjust to this and he might try to fight it.  But he won’t succeed.  The heart and the soul will prevail and he will be unable to defy his love for long.  Then he will be forever yours.”

“I don’t get you.  You’re an arrogant, egotistic, male chauvinistic bastard who sprouts romantic ideology.”

He smiled a cheeky grin, “Whatever turns the ladies on.”

I rolled my eyes at him, “So what’s the deal with this running?”

“Who said we were running?”  His eye brow rose just slightly.


My body froze because I suddenly realised that my feet weren’t touching the ground anymore.  Then I was falling.  I fell the wind whistling in my ears and my hair flapping in my face.  Somewhere in the distance above me I heard a low musical laugh.

No deaths result from it.  No animals are harmed.  It's just a VOTE  - I promise it won't hurt!


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