Careful not to spill any wine, he removed his jacket and handed it to her in exchange for her cup. "No that's fine, I don't really trust your friends not to play it." He aimed for it to sound light hearted and not serious since he didn't want to offend her but it was true, no way in hell was he going to let his guitar anywhere near those two sassy drunk guys, they appeared out of control.

The jacket looked good, it was oversized on her which highlighted just how tiny she was but that just made her even more attractive to him. There was something so sensual about a person you like wearing your clothing, even something as simple as wearing a coat becomes intimate.

"Black's your colour." He smirked. The wine had definitely comforted his anxiousness.

"Er- thanks. I'll be back soon, don't leave." She stepped away from him and he fought back his body instinctively wanting to pull her back into his vicinity. He watched as she walked away from him hoping that he had not scared her off and she was going to come back.

He took a moment to take everything that had happened that night in. Just hours ago he was cursing his sorry excuse for a life and now he was standing on top of a building in the UES with two plastic cups filled with wine he didn't like waiting for an extremely attractive girl. How the tides had changed. He couldn't believe his luck when he saw her there across from him on the train, for a while he had started to think what was between them was all in his head but seeing her and her asking him back to her apartment had confirmed that it wasn't. He couldn't wait to tell Esther all about it. At least this would make her think maybe he wasn't going crazy.

The sound of the door opening again alerted him to her presence, she came out with two blankets in her hand one looking more durable and the other fluffy and soft. The grin on her face and the slight rosiness in her cheeks made her look breathtaking, he hadn't been with a girl who made him had that reaction since high school and it felt foreign. He admired her as she laid out a checkered blanket on the roof's floor and invited him to go sit on it. Kirstie took his jacket off before sitting down which he found more sexual than it should be.

"How are your friends?"

She happily took back her wine from him as he threw on his jacket and took a big swig before replying. "Very drunk. Mitch asked after you...I think you've caught his eye."

"Is he the small one?"

"Yep." She wrapped the blanket that looked like the texan flag around her making herself cosy. Even with his jacket on, he was beginning to feel the chill of a New York September night and yearned to be under the blanket's warmth with her.

"Should I be worried?" He settled for moving closer to her and mirrored her position by crossing his legs.

"Nah, I'm pretty sure he's head over heels in love with Scott - he's the blonde - so you don't have to be scared. I hope he didn't make it uncomfortable, I know most guys don't like being hit on by other guys - wait, you are straight right?"

He huffed, "Completely."

"No girlfriend?" She raised her eyebrow at him and bit her lip which totally enamoured him.

"I'm living the single life." It was true, he had been dating people casually but his last real relationship was in college. "Are you?"

"Single - but don't tell my fans, they think I'm dating Scott." She giggled, glancing at him, cautious at how he would react.

"So you are on Broadway after all, I was right." Avi mentally scolded himself after he let that slip, he knew as soon as he said it that it would come across as stalker-ish and creepy.

She seemed shocked. "How did you guess?"

"Erm - You just have that star quality about you?" Well that wasn't cheesy at all, well done Avi.

East Side Line (Kavi AU)Where stories live. Discover now