Three nurses walked in the room with a gurney. "Time to get you prepped." They said in cheery voices.

"Two people can come with her." They said as they lifted me on to the gurney.

"Cam, can you and Anna come?" He nodded.

I pointed to my dad and my mom. "If you two can't be civil for me, be civil for your grandson. If you don't have this figured out by the time I get back..." I said the most serious is probably ever been in my life.



Anna held one hand and Cam held another as I squeezed the life from his. They had given me the epidural and now all I felt was extreme pressure against my uterus. I had pushed seven times already and his head was now poking out according to the doctors. I was exhausted and worn out. I had been up since yesterday in pain. Now I just wanted to see my son and go to sleep.

"One more push for me Kyra." He said from underneath the medical sheet placed over my bottom half. My legs were propped up and he was directly staring at my vagina. You would think I would be uncomfortable; Cam definitely was but it was the last thing on my mind. I wanted to close my eyes.

I pushed as hard as I could and felt a pop before silence... I expected Joshua to cry or something, but we heard absolutely nothing.


"Cam, come here." A nurse said with a smile. I kissed Kyra's head and smiled. "I'm so proud of you." She let out an exhausted breath and smiled.

I walked over behind the sheet, surprised by all of the blood. I didn't know she would bleed like that.

There he was, he wasn't clean, and I couldn't see what he looked like, but he was really small.

She handed me a pair of peculiar looking scissors and smiled. They showed me how to cut the umbilical cord and then he started to cry.

She took him away and watched them clean him as my mom wrapped me up in a hug. "You're officially a father Cameron." I smiled.

The nurse handed me a clipboard that contained some papers to fill out with Kyra, but I didn't bother her I just finished them since I already knew what the baby's name was and stuff. I signed the birth certificate and handed it back and she walked away.

I looked back at Kyra who barely had her eyes open. My mom rubbed her arm as I bent down and placed a kiss on her lips. "I love you."

She gave a faint smile and a chuckle. "I know." I laughed. "You just had to ruin the moment."

"I love you too Freckles."

I smiled at her calling me that. I hadn't heard it in so long. I'd gotten so used to it.

They came in to start cleaning Kyra before they took her back to her room so me and my mom walked down to the NICU.

The nurse directed us to the incubator he was in and I smiled.

I finally got a good look at Joshua. He was so small. I could probably hold him in one hand, but he looked fully developed, just small. He had a few tubes connected to him as his chest rose and fell peacefully.

He had a head full of hair and a nose just like Kyra's, but my freckles adorned his tiny face. They were almost unnoticeable but when his skin darkened from the red pigmentation it held at the moment, they'd be noticeable. Mama smiled and touched his small hand.

I glanced at the two small anklets he wore and turned to the doctor. "What are these?"

"The first one is simple a name tag. It has his full name, his weight, which is 4.5 pounds, and you and Kyra's name." I nodded as she pointed to the second one.

Kyra (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now