“Don’t touch her!” I heard Em say. “Give her some space.”

“Lily, one plus one?”


“Two plus three?”

“Five” my breathing slowed down.

“Good Lil, five plus six?”


“Eleven plus twelve?”

“Twenty three” I could see Emma clearly now, as well as the five boys, my heart sank.

“Lily? You ok?”

I looked at her and smiled, and then a hand was offered out, no surprise, Niall was looking at me with concern in his eyes. I took his hand as he sets me on my feet, bringing me closer to him; he tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

“You okay?”

“Yeah,” I barely whispered.

“Here drink some water” as he handed me his water bottle.

“What in the bloody hell was that?” Liam asked.

I just looked down at Nialls’ jacket, picking at the material.

“She had a panic attack, ok? Come on Lil let’s go home!”

Nialls arms tighten around me.

“Em,” then I looked at her, “tell them. It’s ok.”

All the boys heads turned to Em, “Geez thanks for the spotlight, anyways I’m Emma and this is my best friend Lily. It started when Lil and I were in high school we were you know the over achievers, well one day during one of our biggest exam day Lil started flipping out, just like earlier but ten times worse, so now I kind of stick with her so she don’t get that bad. The question now is what caused this episode?” She looked at me. All I did was point at my phone that was on the floor, I felt Niall let go, walk over and pick it up. He started smiling when he saw my background, I remember it was a picture of him, but as soon as he unlocked it and looked at the tweets, his smile turned to a frown. He just handed the phone to Em and took me back in his arms.

“I’m so sorry love.”

“What the fuck?! I’m going to go find them!”

“Hold on a second love.” Zayn said as he grabbed hold of Emma’s waist. I peeked at her and she couldn’t hide that blush.

“We can’t have you girls getting hurt because some our fans don’t know how to be nice. I can’t believe them!”

It got quiet and I was listening to was Nialls breathing.

“Come on guys we need to get to the hotel” Liam started walking towards their dressing room. I smiled and looked up at Niall, he looked back at me, his eyes were so blue, and before I knew what I was doing I rested my palm on his face then slowly moved it to run through his hair.

“Daddy directioner said go change.” I smiled at him. He leaned down and kissed my cheek.

“Don’t leave me yet.”

*Nialls’ POV*

When I walked into the dressing room it didn’t take long for Liam to say something.

“Niall I love you but you can’t honestly say you didn’t find that strange?”

“It was, but come on, everyone has issues.”

“Yeah they do, that girl has a big one!”

“I don’t care what you say Liam! I want to get to know her! What’s wrong with that?”

“Nothing mate! I’m just saying think hard about what your getting yourself into! I don’t want to be on tour and have to stop at the mental hospital to get her meds!”

That’s when I heard the door creaked, I looked towards it and saw her big tear filled eyes looking at me in the mirror. When she made eye contact she turned and walked away.

“Shit! Was that her?”

I heard Liam say as I ran out the door.

“Lily wait!” I caught up to her.

“Leave me alone, how the hell do I get out I here?!”

Has she double backed passed me.

“Lil he didn’t mean anything he said, I think he was just frustrated because of the fans.”

I grabbed a hold of her arm, “please look at me.”

She turned around, her eyes were already red and puffy, I saw the hurt.

* Lilys POV*

I can’t believe what Liam was saying! Their all hypocrites! Singing about how beautiful girls are no matter what they look like or what their going through.

“Lily wait!” I heard Niall call out as I took off down the tunnel. How the flip did I get down here. I started to panic, I tried not to cry, but with what Liam said and me not being able to find my way out the tears started spilling out.

“Leave me alone, How the hell do I get out of here?” As I turned around walking back the way I came, as I was walking past Niall he said “Lil he didn’t mean anything he said, I think he was just frustrated because of the fans.”

Butterflies erupted in my stomach when he called me Lil but I pushed it back, until he grabbed my arm and turned me towards him “please look at me.”

I raised my head slowly, I looked into his blue eyes, I could see my hurting reflected in them.

“Why? Why do you care? I don’t think your fans or friends would like to see you talking to a mental person.” Has I tugged my arm away. I took one more look at him, turned and walked away, I was able to get back to the dressing room where Liam was waiting outside. I kept walking, he stepped out in front of me, has I went to walk around him he shadowed my movements.

“Move Liam.”

“Listen Lily I didn’t mean what I said in the dressing room, I was just upset by what our fans did, plus I only got a few hours of sleep, I’m not rude at all, you should know that. Now Niall he fancies you I know he does, and if you leave I know how much that will hurt him. Please I’ll do anything just for you to stay.”

I looked up at him.

“Screw you Liam!”

As I ran around him to Emma who was standing by the exit talking to Zayn, she gave me a confused look as I grabbed her arm.

“Come on, we’re leaving.”

We were suppose to stay at a hotel, but my adrenaline was still going.

“Lil aren’t we staying at a hotel tonight?”

Em asked as we left the city.

“No I can drive us home, I’ll be fine.”

“Lily what happened?”

“Nothing Em.”

It was a long quiet drive home, halfway Em told me to pull over so she can drive, instead of getting in the passenger seat I crawled in the backseat and cried myself to sleep, my only thought, how could the most sweetest boys in the world be complete douchebags?

“Lil, we’re back home.”

Emma was shaking me awake, the sun was coming up. We went straight inside our apartment, I never said a word to Em about what was said or what happened. I just went straight to my room and curled up under my blanket.

*Chapter  2!! let me know what you think!!*

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