He was the best father I could ever ask for. Which is why I'm so infuriated that everyone seems so against him. He did nothing to any of these people.

Still deep in thought, Sam nodded his head. "Anthony Reynolds is who you're referring to, correct?" he clarified. I quickly nodded. Sam's eye glazed over, as well as Stewart's. Well, then. I guess I'll just sit here, while they have a private conversation.

"This is so awkward" I mumbled to myself. I mindlessly played with the locket around my neck. I still have no way of contacting Keith. I could do a locator spell, but I can't even do simple magic right now. I don't even know why!

Finally, the men's eyes returned to normal. "Your father lied to you" Sam blurted. "Anthony Reynolds kidnapped you four days after you were born. No one gave you to him" he explained.

Frowning, I shook my head. Why are they so hell-bent on making my dad the bad guy? I stood up and glared at the men. "I'm done listening to this distortion of my father" I snapped. "All of you can rot in werewolf hell!"

I'll admit, that was not one of my best insults. It was actually complete crap. Oh, well. I started to walk out, but I was grabbed from behind. "Let go of me, ass-hole!" I shouted while struggling in Stewart's arms. Stupid Alpha! In my peripheral vision, I saw Sam frowning at me. Before I felt a sharp pain on my head, Sam said one word.



Opening my eyes, I groaned. "Again, really?!" I said exasperated. There was a handcuff on my wrist that was connected to the leg of a small table.

"It's not silver this time" I looked up and saw Sam and Jesse sitting on a couch beside me. They were just playing video games. Great! So I'm cuffed to a table while they get the pleasures of shooting people! Not fair!

I glared at the Beta and Third. "You couldn't put me on the couch?" I questioned. They shrugged with their eyes glued to the television. "Ass-holes!" I seethed.

Sam glanced at me. "We gave you a pillow" he informed me. I looked around me, spotting the 'pillow' by my head.

Sighing, I grabbed it with my free hand and chucked it at them. "That's not even a pillow!" I shouted. "That's a fucking folded up blanket!"

They pushed the blanket to the other side of the couch and continued their game. "Well, you slept comfortably with it" Jesse commented.

"I wasn't sleeping!" I yelled. "I was knocked out!" I glared at Sam who had an apologetic expression on his face, but he continued to stare at the T.V. "Why am I here?" I questioned.

I shifted my position so that I was sitting criss-cross next to the table. I watched as one of them died; I'm guessing it was Sam since he cursed. "Why am I here?" I repeated.

Jesse cursed as he died. "Well" Sam started as he successfully dodged Jesse's bullets in the game. "We can't have the Princess leaving on her own. That's dangerous" he stated.

I raised an eyebrow, even though they weren't looking at me. "Dangerous?" I scoffed. "You knocked me out. Twice!" I reminded them.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry about that" Jesse apologized. It would mean more if he was actually looking at me. "Shit! You're cheating" Jesse accused.

Sam chuckled when he killed Jesse again. "Your mom and dad should be here soon" Sam informed me.

I angrily clenched my fists. "They. Are. Not. My. Parents" I said slowly. Sam and Jesse ignored me. I took deep breaths. I need to be calm to leave undetected.

Glancing around, I softly laughed as I saw the handcuffs. The part around the leg of the table was near the bottom. All I have to do is lift up the table and slide the cuff off. Idiots.

I slowly lifted the table and grabbed the other cuff. Luckily, it didn't jingle. Very slowly, I crawled away from them and towards the door. Please don't creak. I chanted in my head as I slowly opened the door. Once I had enough room, I dashed out and down the stairs.

"Freedom!" I smiled while spotting the back door.

"Audrey?" Dammit. I spoke too soon. Biting my lip, I turned to see Stewart standing in front of me with his arms crossed. "Where are you going?" he inquired.

I glanced from him to the door. "For a run. Gotta go. Bye" I rushed out in one breath. I ran as fast as I could. I threw open the door and ran outside, feeling the air blow my hair.

Suddenly, I rammed into something. I felt as if it burned me, but it felt nice. Like sitting by a fire after being in the rain. I opened my eyes to come face-to-face with a chest. Shit! Not good! I quickly moved out of the man's arms and started running again. I was heavily breathing out my mouth as I ran.

Hearing a growl behind me only made me speed up. I tried to teleport, but it wasn't working! "Crap!" I hissed. I didn't look back as I like my life depended on it.

I groaned as I was tackled from behind. A dark colored wolf pinned me down and I felt the firey feeling. Suddenly, the wolf shifted and I shrieked, covering my eyes. The man didn't seem fazed by his nakedness. He gently brushed my hair from my face. But I kept my eyes closed. I didn't need to see that.

"Mine!" the man growled as he sniffed me. I shivered at the sound of his voice.

"Audrey!" I heard a familiar voice shout. The egg donor was running up to me and the man. I got my senses back; and I shoved the man off of me, taking him by surprise. I forced my legs to move and I started running again.

I could hear several footsteps following after me, making me want to go faster. 'Casey' I whimpered. Why can't I hear her? 'We need to shift' I begged. It was like I was literally talking to a wall.

Ugh. I guess I'm doing this in human form. I picked up my speed, but it was hard. I couldn't get strength from Casey. I tried my magic again. No luck. I was like a regular human. I can't use magic, and I can't use my werewolf abilities. Just amazing.

I wasn't long until I was tackled again. But it was a different wolf this time. This one was brown and smaller. However, it was still heavy as hell. I groaned and the wolf jumped off of me, shifting into Sam.

After pulling on a pair of shorts, he quickly helped me up. "Are you okay?" he asked in a rush. "I didn't hurt you, did I?" he questioned.

I found the strength to shake my head. Which was a bad idea because I got extremely dizzy. Dammit! Out of all the possible times to need a transfusion, my body picks now! "I need-" I started panting heavily, cutting myself off. I started poking the vein in my arm, hoping that Sam would get the message.

He eyed my arm as his eyebrows furrowed. "Did you break it?" he questioned. I weakly showed him a thumbs-down. "Did you get cut by a stick?" he asked. I rolled my eyes. A stick? I would easily be able to heal. "Sprain?" he said slowly.

Luckily, the egg donor ran up to us. I showed her my arm and pointed at the vein. "Crap" she cursed. "You need to carry her to the pack house. Fast. Tell the doctor to get ready to do a transfusion" she demanded. Her eyes glazed over as she mind-linked someone.

Sam swooped in up in his arms, but he didn't move. I attempted to slap his chest. That didn't go so well. My hand ended up falling and hitting my stomach. "Go!" the egg donor shouted. Sam quickly started running. He's so warm. His shirt is so soft. So comfortable.

I sighed in content before closing my eyes.



New characters:

Erik Stocklin as Jesse Price

Jonathan Bennett as Sam Wright

James Denton as Stewart Laney

Stewart is the current Alpha. Jesse is the future Beta. Sam is the future Third.

Kayyyyzzz Byeeeezzz


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