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Hiccup POV
"Haha Hilarious. Anyway we need to stick to why we're here....Uhh ok stand there." I say to all of the gang. I open all the gates of the horses. I see everyone kinda freaked out and scared besides Astrid. Snoutlout picks up a dagger. Astrid slaps his arm,She gives him a 'put it down or I will hurt you' glare. He sets the dagger down. I grab Snoutlout's hand "Woah! What No!" He yells. "Relax" I say. I pull his hand towards the Nightmare. He gives a nervous laugh. The Nightmare snorts but in a good way. I do the same with the rest of them. Astrid ends up with a 'ombre bleue' horse also called Blue Shadow. The Twins got a Pràsino Thànato 'Green Death' The horses are called green Death because of the Green eyes they all seem to have. The horses themselves are grey with black speckles. Fishlegs got a Una robusta 'Rugged one'. We ride them to a shortcut to where my dad is headed with Toothless.
Astrid POV
I let Hiccup ride my horse with me since Toothless is gone. My horse,She is fast...almost like Flying. Her Stormy eyes seems Full of energy... I'll call her 'Stormfly' "Stormfly!" I yell to Hiccup. He looks at me confused. I laugh. "That's her name Stormfly." I repeat. He smiles "suits the both of you,Hope she isn't tougher than you don't want your reputation being hurt." He says turning back towards the trail. I roll my eyes. The deep smell of Salt fills the air we are by the ocean meaning the trip won't be much longer. We start passing the tree's and I get a clear view of the water,I'm sure Stoick has been past here and most likely is there by now. Soon a huge crashing noise is heard and we see them shooting things at the Horses hide out. I let out a gasp and the twins smirk at the sight of them exploding things. Then I see Toothless tied to the boat.. "Hiccup..Look"

And that's it I have to go and I'm not gonna be on for a few days so byes

Emerald green&Ocean blue (A modern httyd fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now