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"Astrid.... I'm sorry" Hiccup says. I look at him, I start to reply but Gothi soon walks in and talks to Stoick in Sign language. Stoick's grabs Hiccup and whispers something, He nods and they both walk out. Gothi pulls my shirt up a little to check out the bruise. She looks at a large scar along my stomach. She looks at me. Oh, shoot I should've told Hiccup not to tell Stoick I yell in my head.

Gothi writes something Down on some paper. She inspects my Arms and legs, I guess for more Information. After jotting down the other brusises and scars and swollen spots, she gives it to Stoick's and she leaves. Stoick starts to read until Hiccup takes it.

"What in Thor's name are you doing Son!?" Stoick yells. "I wanna talk to Astrid and look at these before you do ok?" He says more than asks. Stoick glares at Hiccup for a moment "Oi... Fine.. Make it quick." Stoick says.

Hiccup pulls me into his room. "Ow.. Ow ow." I say as we run up the stairs. I sit on the edge of his bed, He stands in front of me. "Ok so the Bruise on your side is where she hit you earlier, what about the multiple scars?" He asks.

I sigh. "Astrid tell me." He demands. I hesitate "She stabbed me.." I say softly. Hiccup's eyes widen. "What?" He says softly getting closer, my eyes water and I move further away. Hiccup frowns at my movement. He looks back at the paper and looks back staring at me.

Oh geez what is it? I think to myself thinking of every Scar,Nick,or bruise till I realize... Shoot.. "When?" He asks. I look away from him. He gets on the bed and sits next to me. I continue to look away and cry silently. "Don't hide yourself.." Hiccup whispers.

I turn and see him we basically are nose to nose. I stare at him. "When?" He repeats. One way to make this kid shut up. I punch him. "Ow!" He yells. I pull on his shirt and crashes my lips onto his. Woah.. I pull away. Wait no, No! I didn't enjoy it. I think to myself. Hiccup smiles but In a shy, nervous way.

I roll my eyes with annoyance. "Astrid... You can't stay at the Arena." Hiccup says. "I'll go to... Err.." I say. I start thinking of who to go to, "Here." Hiccup says. "No way you Talking Fishbone." I argue. Hiccup's eye's slowly fill with hurt but he tries to maintain a calm face.

Shoot what did I do? Kiss a boy that probably never even been noticed by a girl before and then make fun of him... The kiss didn't mean anything though.. Fuck he doesn't know that.. This is new low, even for me.

"I'll just stay at the Arena." I say and get up walk out. I stand by the door to see what Hiccup does. He looks at the paper and sighs. He folds it and hides it in a book. He grabs a sheet of paper and writes something.
He takes the paper and crumble it then Un crumbling it then rips it to pieces. I turn and walk back out and head to the arena.

Emerald green&Ocean blue (A modern httyd fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now