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I wake up to the sound of whistling, I sit up and Stormfly, my parakeet, falls onto my lap. I laugh and set her in her cage, "Okay girl, I'll let you fly around once I'm back from school." I tell her as I pull on my clothes.

I pull my hair into a thick 5 braid, I mess around with my bangs before just leaving them over my eye. I grab my bag and rush out the door.

As I get there I notice the twins, their real names are Reya and Trey but we've all called them Ruff and Tuff since Elementary. Despite them being a bit on the dull side of the toolbox we've been close friends since we were little.

"Hey, what's up?" I ask as I meet them.  Both groan, "Tired." Ruff says, her voice scratchy but her accent still clear. I shake my head, "maybe of you two stopped spending the night chasing down the boars you wouldn't be?"

Before they could reply I hear someone behind me, "Hey Astrid." I hear Stephon Jorgenson, the most irritating person to ever walk the earth, he snakes his arm around my waist.

"This is my last time telling you, Do not fucking touch me." I say as I shove his arm off.

I continue walking with the Twins towards our first class, doing so manage to run into someone carrying something they built, I start to feel bad as it break apart on the floor. The twins laugh and as I notice who it is I don't blame them.

Henry Haddock III, also known as Hiccup with Auburn hair, green eyes and a poor build. He's not much, and never really has been.

"Watch where you're going next time." I snap before continuing to walk off. We start to reach our class when a siren blares our teacher,  Mr. Ingerman, hurries any student into his room. He shuts off the lights pulls the Blinds down and tells us all to hide in the lab, the lab is a room connected to the classroom no windows and secure door.

We all rush in there, with little light people begin tripping over each other. I listen to the alarm blasts as I try getting in without falling.

I try to count the blasts to see what the issue is, that is before someone collides into me and sends me to the ground.


Very short but keep in mind at the time I wrote this it was one of my first books. I tried adding some things and fixing other things but I didn't want to make it too different for those who have already read it.

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