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I wake up and see hiccup next to me and Toothless beside him. I yell, loudly which causes Hiccup to jolt up and looks at me. "What!?" He asks and Toothless snorts with anger that we woke him.

"Why are you still here?" I yell, "Well I wasn't gonna leave you Astrid plus there's a big Blizzard outside.. So I actually didn't have a way out.." Hiccup says. I punch him. "Ow! Geez is it gonna be like this forever?" He asks. "No, only till Valhalla. Hey what time is it?" I say a slightly more calm.

"Uhh, 12:35 in the afternoon" Hiccup replies. "Ok." I say and stretch. I get up and sit next to Toothless and pet him. "Oh. He's warm." I say as Toothless's body heat hits my hand. Honestly it felt good by the fact it's like -15℉ Here. "Yeah, hey your mom called you." Hiccup says. My eyes go wide "what? Did you answer!? I swear Hiccup if you did I will kill you!" I yell, I felt panic rushing and my heart racing.

"No! Why would I answer? She hurts you.." He says. Eww is Fishbone here trying to flirt? No way in Odins name will I like him. Geez let him not like me, I have to deal with Snoutlout already. I think to myself.

"Hello Earth to Astrid." Hiccup says waving a hand in my face. I look at him, "What!?" I snap. He winces and shakes his head, "Oh... Nothing.." Hiccup says a little hurt.

I roll my eyes and I notice something, Toothless has a red Mechanical leg. "What happened to him?" I ask staring at his false leg. "Oh, yeah I tried to fight him... Ya know be tough and kill the one thing no one has ever seen." Hiccup answers Honestly.

"Ughh your a Mutton Head. You aren't tough because of what you kill Hiccup, even though that adds points You become tough by being courageous, never giving up, and by what you go through." I tell him.

He looks at me for a while then Turns away, I roll my eyes and start to braid strands of Toothless's hair. "What is it with you and braiding hair?" Hiccup asks. "What is it with you and getting in my personal life." I retort.

Toothless gives a horsey laugh which was adorable, "Oh yeah, thanks bud for being on my side." Hiccup says sarcastically. I look at Hiccup. "Why'd you really stay here?" I ask. He ignores me and I scoff.

I grab my phone and ear buds. I play 'little toy Guns' and him to the music. I continue braiding strands of Toothless's hair and I notice Hiccup staring at me. "Freak." I mutter and continue huming.

Emerald green&Ocean blue (A modern httyd fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now