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I stare at my moms eyes, Oh gods..I'm an idiot.. I think to myself as my mom steps closer to me. "Where were you!? You weren't at those twins' house were you!?" My mom yells.

"No, I was at Snoutlout's house. We were.... Studying." I lie. I look down and stare at my boots. I feel a stinging pain hit my cheek of my mom's open hand. She walks out and get on my bed.

  I jolt up almost immediately and empty out my bookbag. I quickly stuff clothes in it and quietly go back out my window. I sneak back to Hiccups backyard. "Psst. Toothless here boy." I call out.

Toothless slowly approaches. I pet him and get on his back. "Go." Is all i say until Toothless gallops, We head to the old arena which thankfully I can get to through the woods. I open the gate and hide Toothless and I in one of the cages, that have a wooden door. The arena was for training student to kill horses, but do to the weak wood doors a Horse once got out. Since then they shut it down and made a new arena.

I walk in there with Toothless and sit on the cold Concrete floor. I empty out my bag until I find my Axe folded into a shirt. I take out my phone from my pocket and text The twins.
Hey I won't see you for a while.
-Xoxo Astrid
Why not? We could dig a boar pit.
You mutton head.
-Xoxo Astrid
You will be at school though right?
Maybe ... I got to go bye.
-Xoxo Astrid

I sigh. Toothless lays down, I lay my head on him. My phone buzzes, I groan and hesitantly Answer. "Hello?" I say.
"Astrid, Toothless is gone." Hiccup says. "How'd you get my number?" I ask. ".... Never mind that, have you seen him!?" Hiccup asks. I turn to look at Toothless. "No, No i haven't." I lie. Hiccup sighs.

"Where are you? You aren't at home." He says. I scoff, "Stalker." I say and hang up. Toothless whinnies a little, I sigh and pet his muzzle. 
"Don't tell Hiccup." I say and close my eyes so i can try to sleep.

Emerald green&Ocean blue (A modern httyd fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now