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Hiccup pulls me across the street to his house, he continuously looks behind us.
We head to his backyard and he drags me to a woody area. "You can't say anything, and please be quiet.." He says.

I roll my eyes, "Hiccup, if you're gonna kill me at least use my axe." I say jokingly.  He looks at me "don't say that Astrid..." He says clearly upset.

I roll my eyes. "Toothless, come here bud." Hiccup calls, I wait for something to happen. I scoff before hearing something running to us. Suddenly a huge black  horse comes racing towards us. Is that a night fury?...

I scream and fall backwards trying to back away from the damned beast. It neighs and stands on it's hind legs, I scream and look for something to scare it off with.

Hiccup got jumped in front of the horse, "You scared him Astrid." Hiccup says while facing the horse.
"I scared him!? He's huge! He could trample both of us in just a second given the chance!" I yell.

You see, Here on Berk horses are feared. Especially the Night Fury, They are fast, never have been caught and crazier than a drugged Mustang. Horses have been a issue here and the conflict between us stand firm.
Why? I'm not sure, they've been feared here since viking days.

"He's harmless." Hiccup says. I scoff, and 'Toothless' snorts. Hiccup climbs on his back "Come on.." He says and offers his hand.

"What!? Are you serious? No. I need to report this! Hiccup this is the only Night Fury ever really seen on Berk!" I say and without further reply start running.

Ughh! Why did he take me so far into these woods? Damn it!
I yell in my head as I get lost, I look around for something I recognize.
All of a sudden Hiccup and 'Toothless' jumps in front of me.

"Astrid,Please..." He says softly. "Ugh.... Fine but if I die I swear Hiccup i-" Hiccup laughs and I sigh and get on Toothless. Hiccup smiles and mumbles a Thank You.

"Ok bud, Go.. Slowly." He says. Toothless turns and gallops to a open field and starts bucking. I scream and wrap my arms and legs around Hiccup. "Toothless what are you
Doing Bud? We need her to like us!" Hiccup yells.

"Hiccup, I'm sorry I'll keep this a secret just please, Get me off of this thing." I yell. "Toothless please, before Odin Forsakens me." Hiccup pleads. Toothless stops bucking and goes into a small trot. I release Hiccup from my grasp. Toothless trots through the snow, I smile and slowly wrap my arms around Hiccup.

As Toothless returns back closer to Hiccup's house we get off, and Toothless gallop back into the woods. We walk into his house, which I've never really seen much less been in despite living across from him.

We sit on the couch and laugh, "That was.. Amazing.." I say smiling. "Yeah, Um.. Astrid what all does your Mother do?" Hiccup asks. When suddenly Stoick, our Mayor walks in.

"Uhh, Hi dad." Hiccup says. Wait! Dad? What if he told him about the gang and I bullying him. Oh Thor What if he sai- Hiccup inturupts my thoughts. "Astrid, this is my dad. Dad, this is Astrid." He says. "Ahh Astrid you train with your axe at the old abandon Arena." Stoick says. "Oh.. I thought no one watches. Actually I thought everyone forgot about the arena" I say.

Stoick laughs. "Astrid, you train like a Maniac for what? Only Odin knows. But you always seem stressed when you travel there so Snoutlout sorta Spied on you and told me. He said he wants to be there for you." Stoick says.

I stare at him. "Oh.." I say softly. "Uhh, Dad me and Astrid are just gonna go upstairs so.. Yeah bye." Hiccup rushes and drags me upstairs to what i guess is his room.

"Your dad is Stoick!?" I ask. He nods. "Please dont tell anyone." He asks. "I wont... Only if.." I say and poke a finger at his chest to emphasize my point.

"If you tell me what you have said about Ruff, Tuff, Snoutlout and I." I say. "I have said nothing really, it would just mean more trouble for me." He says. I punch him. "Ow! What was that for." He calls out. I laugh. "For fun." I say.

He rolls his eyes and sits on the edge of his bed. I sit next to him and stare at my boots.
"Astrid?" He asks. I look up. "Hm?" I ask. "What all does your Mother do?" He asks. "Oh, this again...." I say. He looks at me worriedly. I punch him "Don't look at me like that!" I say and cross my arms. I know I'm acting like a child, but it's tough.

"Astrid, please I want to help you." He says. I scoff "Help!? Ha what you tell your Mayor Dad and separate me so i have more pain!? Sure you can help when Toothless turns Human." I say. Hiccup sighs.

He mutters something but I ignore it, "I'm going home." I say and get up. Hiccup grabs my arm and gives me a 'are you serious look.' "Do you want me to get in more trouble!?" I say. "You can't go back Astrid you have to stay somewhere else." He says.

"Well i can't go to the twins because my mom would search there first, Snoutlout would just end up thinking I'm in love with him, Don't you see i have no one." I explain. Hiccup thinks for a moment. "You could stay here.." He says. I laugh "No way Useless, I'm trying to keep my reputation clear." I say and shake out of his grasp, I walk out and sneak back into my mom was in there...

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