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I pace around my room, Ughh I'm so Stupid I think to myself. I hear Hiccup knock, I look at the door and sigh. "Come in." I say hesitantly. Hiccup peers around the door before coming into full view. "Astrid? You ok?" He says softly. I look down at my boots. Ok? No I'm not! I kissed you and I think I liked it!

"Yeah...I'm fine." I finally managed the words to come out. "Astrid..please what did I do..?" Hiccup asks innocently. It's not what you did it's what I did.. "then what did You do?" Hiccup emphasizes 'you'. I must've said that out loud. "I kissed you! That's what I did." I tell him.

"Oh.. I guess it's my fault to then.." Hiccup says. I look at him with a 'what the Heck!?' Look. "I kissed you back for one thing.." he says realizing my silent question. I look at his lips quickly then look away. I remain silent. Hiccup stands in a uncomfortable position. "Hiccup what's happening to me?" I finally ask.

He looks at me with confusion, "What? What do you mean?" He asks. "What's happening... I used to be tough and rude and.... Who I wanted to be... Now I don't know what is happening I'm way to soft and...Ughh Who am I?" I let words out as I sit down in a chair. "You've been hurt so much Astrid, I guess since you have nothing left to fight except your secrets. Without the pressure to be tough you are just...The real You." He says.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. "Astrid... Being yourself isn't so bad is it?" He ask. I sigh. "Who I am isn't who I want to be... I want to be the fighter me.. not who I really am." I say. I open my eyes and see Hiccup looks at me sadly. "Astrid you are perfect how you are." He says.
"Stop!" I yell hiccup winces. "What? Did I do?" He asks. "Saying I'm Perfect Or just being nice to me! Stop it." I say. "Why should I stop?" He asks. This 15 year old is more clichè than I thought. "Because... I don't know why but just Stop!" I yell. "Why are you so scared of the Truth!?" He starts to yell back but the sweetness still in his voice.

"Because the Truth Hurts!" I yell. "The Truth... Is nothing but Lies in disguise.. or pain.." I say more softly. I look down at my hands Shaking with Anxiety. How did I not notice my hands do that?
"Why would you say that?" Hiccup says grabbing my left hand into his. I look into his worried eyes. "Reasons."I say. "What reasons?"He says. I look at his lips. Don't lean in,don't lean in. I think to myself.

Hiccup looks at mine and leans in. For Thors sake move away. Hiccup's lips meet mine as he kisses me. I kiss him back softly. he pulls away. "Sorry.." He says. I look at him in confusion. "For what?" I ask softly. "Isn't that how we got into this Conversation because we kissed and then you got upset and here we are now starting the process over without the arguing." He says almost laughing when he finishes.

I smile. "I would punch you but you still are hurt." I say jokingly. "Aww you care so much." Hiccup jokes. "Oh I know I do." I say. Hiccup laughs and I join him. Fishbone might not be so useless after all.

Emerald green&Ocean blue (A modern httyd fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now