19) babies |Liam|

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Liam: (y/n) where are the diapers?

You: they're in the dresser, bottom drawer.

You: I told you where everything was before I left, did you really forget that fast.

Liam: I can't think when theres a two month old screaming.

Liam: So yeah I forgot already.

You: Do I need to come home?

You: Because I can..

Liam: No, just go have fun. I've got her I promise.

You: Okay only if you're sure.

Liam: I'm 100% sure. 

Liam: I love you

You: I love you too Liam, thank you for letting me go out with my friends tonight. 

Liam: You need it, it's not a problem.

Liam: Just gives me more bonding time with Sawyer. :)

You: Awe, well I'm gonna go now, Love you bye.

Liam: Love you baby.

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