22) Best Friend |Harry|

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You: Hey Harry? Can I ask you for some advice?

Harry: Of course, I'm your best friend. That's my job love.

You: Right. So I met this cute guy at the mall yesterday and he gave me his phone number. Should I call him now or wait? And what am I supposed to talk about? PLEASE HELP ME

Harry: I don't know! Just be you I guess..

You: Oh wow, great advice .-.

Harry: You asked for my advice, and that was it.

You: Well I was thinking maybe 'Just call him now tell him you want to meet up' Just anything besides 'be yourself I guess.'

Harry: Whatever.

You: Whats up with you today? You're on your perios or nah?

Harry: funny one you are Y/N

You: I know right. But seriously now, whats wrong?

You: Why do you always get so pissed when I talk with you about boys? Like??

Harry: I don't!

You: Yes you do. Just tell me if it makes you feel uncomfortable, I'll stop.


Harry: That's why I don't like when you talk to other boys, okay? I get jealous. Now it's out.

You: You're in love with me?

Harry: Yes, you don't have to say it back or anything. I know you don't feel the same way about me. It's fine. I just wanted you to know, sorry.

You: NO, don't feel sorry. I love you too Harry, so muc. I've just been too scared to tell you.

Harry: Really? You're not joking are you?

You: No, absolutely not.

Harry: This is the best day ever.

Harry: So, would you like to go on a date with me tonight?

You: yes I'd love to.

Harry: Great, I'll pick you up at 7

You: See you then.




*credits to whoever put this on tumblr!*

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