Ashton Christmas imagine

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"Alright kids, the cookies are put out for santa along with the milk now its time for you two to go to bed so he can come and leave presents under the tree for you!" I exclaimed, clapping my hands in the process. 

I just melted at the smiles on both of my sons faces as I spoke about Santa and how he would put presents under the tree for them. "But we don't want to go to bed yet." Jackson and Abel spoke in unison making me chuckle.

Placing my hands on my hips and staring them down, while trying not to laugh I spoke quietly and sternly. "Jackson Thomas and Abel James if you two don't march up to your room right now Santa will not bring you want you wanted for Christmas." 

Both of them stared at me, Hazel eyes wide and nodded, running to their room quickly. "I'll be up in a few minutes to tuck you in!" I called up. They were so much like their father and not just personality wise either. They had his Hazel eyes and wavy blonde hair plus a hint of his Austrailian accent that always made me melt when he spoke to me.

"Mummy are you crying?" I heard a small voice ask from behind me, startling me. It was then when I realized that I had tears streaming down my cheeks.

I turned around and bent down to his level speaking softly. "I promise you mummys fine." I smiled weakly, bringing him into a tight hug. "How about we get you to bed. I'll come and tuck you in right now."

He nodded into my shoulder and sighed heavily. "I miss him too mummy." And it was then when I felt my heart break a little bit more after I heard his voice crack towards the end of his sentence. 

"I know." I whispered, kissing the top of his head and releasing him while standing up. "Let's go to bed now." 

The small boy in front of me nodded his head before rubbing his eyes with his tiny fists. "I can't wait for Christmas tomorrow!." He exclaimed excitedly as he bounded up the steps with me trailing right behind him.

"I Can't either." I smiled.

I opened the door to the twins bedroom and chuckled as I saw that Jackson was already fast asleep with a tight grip on his spiderman comforter. I made my way to his bed quietly and placed a kiss to his forehead. "Goodnight, mummy loves you." I whispered, turning off the lamp on his bedside table before making my way over to Abels side of the room. 

"I'm not tired mum." The clearly over tired boy whined as I tucked him in, covering him up with his superman comforter and kissing the top of his head. "Okay maybe I am." He spoke as I gave raised my eyebrow at him. 

Chuckling slightly I nodded. "Goodnight Abel I love you." I whispered.

"I love you too mummy." He mumbled, drifting off to sleep before I even got the chance to flip off the lamp on his bedside table.

After giving both of the boys a kiss on the forehead once more I quietly made my way out of the room and down the steps, rushing to the kitchen as I heard my phone blare the familiar tune that I had come to love, Beside you. 

Grabbing my phone off the counter I clicked accept without even reading the name of the caller and put it up to my ear. "Hello?" I asked, pacing back and forth in the kitchen, a habit that I have while I speak with someone on the phone.

"Hi baby." I heard that Accent that I absolutely loved ring through my ears.

My heart clenched and tears sprung to my eyes, it's been about two months since we've properly spoken on the phone, usually it was texts here and there due to him being so busy all the time. "A-Ashton?" I asked, voice shaky.

I heard a car door slam from the other end of the phone call and furrowed my eyebrow but before I could speak I was cut off. "I have a Christmas present for you, I need you to open the front door though, it's sitting on the door step." And then all of a sudden the line was dead.

I frowned, upset by the fact that we couldn't have a proper phone call. I shook my head making all thoughts go away as I did what he said and made my way to the front door and slowly turned the knob, heart racing for some reason.

Once the door was open fully I now knew why. Ashton, my husband, the father to my two sons stood in front of me on the door step wearing a huge smile on his face. "Ashton, you're home!? You said you wouldn't be home for Christmas!" I exclaimed, launching myself into his arms and burying my face into his chest, letting the tears stream down my face once again, but they were happy tears this time.

 "I know what I said, and I didn't think I would be able to come home for Christmas, but they let all of us go early for the holidays." I could hear the smile in his voice as he rubbed my back and kissed the top of my head. "Are they sleeping?" He asked, talking about the kids.

I nodded into his chest and pulled back slightly. "You can wake them up and say hi if you want to, they had just went to bed." I sniffled, wiping the tears off of my face with the sleeve of my jumper.

"Okay, I'll do that but first I need to kiss you." Ashton smiled at me, leaning down and pressing his lips against mine, making me melt at the contact. Fuck did I miss this, I missed this so much. I missed his kisses, I missed the way he held me while I slept, I missed the way he would make the kids smile when they were crying and most of all I missed the way he just made me feel over all. 

Pulling away he pecked my lups once more before walking towards the stairs. "I'm going to go wake them up now." He said softly and made his way up the stairs two at a time.

I watched him until he disappeared into the boys' room and smiled like an idiot when I heard excited squeals moments later. They were happy and I was happy. Everyone was happy and that was all that mattered to me on Christmas.


This was basically strictly for my best friend @Irwinsheroine because I love her so much, I wrote this before Christmas :) 

But anyways Ilysm vote and comment dont be a ghost reader :)

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