19: His/Your Parent Doesn't Approve of Your Relationship

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(A/N: THANK YOU GUYS FOR ALMOST 2K READS! And Michael's is written in memory of my late uncle, its_so_skye 's dad)


"I hope your parents liked me," Calum told you anxiously, wiping his sweaty palms on his jeans.

"Don't worry, I'll bet you they loved you," you assured.

He breathed out a sigh of relief. You giggled slightly.

"Well, I know I love you," he replied, smiling and kissing your cheek.

Calum finally got to meet your family and he made a perfect impression, in your opinion.

"Love you two, Cal."

He awaited a kiss on his cheek but you grabbed his puffy cheeks kissed his lips.

"Coffee tomorrow morning?"

"You know it."

"I'll pick you up around eightish?"

"Sounds lovely."

Once Calum drove away, you walked back inside to the living room where your parents were. You sat down on the sofa while your parents took the love seat.

"So," you started off. "Did you guys like him?"

Your mom nodded while she smiled.

"He was a sweet young man and-"

"I hated him," your father interrupted rudely.

You were taken aback.

"Dad?" You asked.

"I hated how much he swore, I hated his tattoos, I didn't like his ripped clothing, and I believe he is a bad influence. I don't want you to see that boy again," your dad stated angrily.

"Dad, he didn't swear once!" You argued.

"Yes, but I could tell he was used to it. He had to stop himself short quite a few times so he didn't swear. I appreciate his effort to make a good impression, but it didn't charm me. I really am sorry, Y/N."

You were angered. You just got up, ran to your room, and called Calum.

"Hey, Y/N, what's wrong?"

"It's my dad. He doesn't approve of you but I want to see you again. He forbade me from seeing you again but I need to," you gushed through the phone.

"What do you want me to do?"

"Let me stay with you tonight."

He paused. You two were both silent for a few seconds. All that was heard was breathing and shuffling.

"How will you get past your parents?" He finally asked.

"Out the window, of course," you replied in a 'duh' tone.

"Okay, I'll unlock my window now."

When the phone call finally ended, you packed up some clothes and climbed out the window.


You were, what you call, a 'bad influence' 'punk rock' 'devious' 'trouble'. You were what mothers warned their children about. When Ashton met you though, he felt a his self-control dam just burst. He loses himself around you. He's just a ball of energy. He's rebellious like you. He's a whole different person. He's changed since he met you. And maybe that's a good thing.

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