9:How you meet

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Ashton:You were at a Meet and Greet and awaiting your turn to meet Ashton Freaking Irwin. When it was your turn, you shook hands with all the boys and got their signatures. When you got Ashton's signature, you asked
"C-can I g-get a hug?" Your voice was shaky with nervousness.
"Aw, don't be shy, love. Sure you can," Ashton replied soothingly. His muscular arms wrapped around you and locked you in a warm embrace. You instantly melted in the hug. You, not creepily, inhaled his wonderful scent of vanilla and happiness. When you two parted, he grinned at you.
"It was nice meeting you,..."
"Y/N," you replied, smiling back.
"That's a pretty name. Here's my number." And you two instantly became friends. Then you two started dating. Lucky...

Calum:You ran to theater 10 to watch the movie Sharknado 2 The Second One. In 3D. Yes, score. You decided to go to the way back so there was a bigger screen, no annoying people behind you, no obnoxious seat kicks, and a tornado of sharks coming at you in 3D.
Throughout the whole movie, a boy with black hair and amazing eyes and an amazing face kept glancing at you from the second to last row. At the end of the movie he came up to you and you saw him better up close. You then realized that Calum Thomas Hood from 5 Seconds of Summer was checking you out. You are so lucky. You win at life.
"Hi, I'm Calum. What's your name?"
"It's nice to meet you, Y/N. Maybe we can hang out some time. Here's my number."
Again, you win at life.

Luke:You sat on the swing at the park swing while the rain poured down hard. You didn't care. You failed your Geometry test that made you get grounded for two weeks, your (ex)boyfriend had been cheating on you with your (ex) best friend, your credit card maxed out, and you were totally miserable. You started to swing slightly. Tears were falling down your face and you couldn't control it. You stopped swinging and just cried. You heard someone approach but you still didn't care. The rain lightened up just as the person tapped your shoulder. You looked up as a light shone on the beautiful human standing in front of you. A blonde quiff, electric, amazing blue eyes, a lip ring, and giant boy stood there staring at your tear stained face.
"What's a beautiful girl like you crying about?" His thick Aussie accent spoke.
"It's a long story," You sniffed.
"Well, I'm here for you. I'm Luke. Luke Hemmings."
"I'm...I'm Y-Y/N Y/L/N," you replied.
"I like that name. Now tell me about this long story you mentioned," Luke grinned. *dies*

Michael:You were at Target to retrieve some hair products for your mum. As you passed the hair dye, you saw a boy with red hair reading the back of a purple hair dye bottle.
"That's some exotic hair you've got going for ya," you tell him. He turns around and you nearly melt at the sight of his godly features. It was like angels carved him straight out of perfection.
"Thanks. I'm Michael. What's your name, gorgeous?" His Australian accent made your breath catch in your throat. Wait, did he actually answer you?! Did he ask you a question?! Do you look like a mess now?! You patted your shirt down nervously.
"I-I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you, Michael."
"Y/N," he repeated dreamily. "Is that another meaning for beautiful?"
You blushed. Smooth and hot. Just the things that are needed to melt your brain.
"Thank you, Michael. Here's my number in case you'd like go compliment me dome more."
"Will do," he replied while grinning accomplished-ly.

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