1 - Giovani Dos Santos

Start from the beginning

Dear Y/N,
I am incredibly sorry for yesterday. My feelings got the best of me and I didn't really mean for that to happen. What I said to you was all true and I understand that you just want to be friends. I know you just came out of a relationship, but I am deeply sorry for what I did.
-Gio xo

I walked back into the house and just stared at the note. Why must he be so sweet? But do I like him more as a friend? No-maybe.

"What's that?" Y/bro/N asked.


"You sure, 'cause that sure does looks like something? That's from Christian, right? Wow, he's super chiché." He joked.

"I'm not dating him anymore."

   "Oh, so then who was it from? By the way, we're going across the street in a couple of minutes to play some football with Gio and Jona."

   "It was from no one, and okay." I lied. This couldn't get any better.

   I walked back upstairs and set the basket next to my bed. I saw a teddy bear peeking out of the basket and I grabbed it. It smelt just like Giovani's cologne he always wore, I wonder if he sprayed some on it or something. I went to my mirror and put my hair up in a ponytail. I quickly put on some athletic shorts because it's not like I'm trying to look sexy for the boys. As long as I look decent, I'm fine.

"Y/N, let's go!" Y/Bro/N yelled from downstairs.

"I'm coming!" I yelled back and grabbed my phone. I rushed down the stairs and grabbed a water bottle.

We walked across the street and Y/B/N knocked on the door knob. Jonathan opened the door and engulfed in a hug since I was closer to the door. He had a huge smile plastered on his face, he let go and bro-hugged my brother.. Giovani came from another room and smiled as he saw me. I smiled and put my arms around him, he had his arms around my waist.

   "You're not mad?" he asked.

   "No," I said and removed my arms around him. "How long have you liked me?"

   "Ever since I left." He sighed and looked down.

   "C'mon let's go play football, lovebirds!" Jonathan teased. Lovebirds? You're joking right?

   "Shut up!" Gio said and slapped Jona's arm. I laughed as we walked outside.

"Alright, Y/B/N and Y/N against us," Jona said to us.

"Okay cool." We replied and played ball.


We kept playing and playing until the ball went in their pool. "Aww, man," Jona whined. "Whose going to be the one to get it?" I'm not sure why he's whining, they're beating us like twenty to nothing.

"Not me," I said and wiped my sweat off my face.

"Putas, I'll get it," Gio cursed and walked towards the pool. He grabbed a stick trying to push the ball towards the edge.

I got this funny feeling inside of me telling me to push him. Jona, my brother, and I all exchanged looks. I nodded my head and took off my shoes just in case I got pushed inside. I walked towards Gio and kicked his butt, before I could even laugh, Jona came from behind me and pushed me in. Gosh, I hate him. I don't even know how to swim, and this is the deepest part of the pool-I think.

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