"Bullshit I'm going to stay here." I said, unlocking my door and jumping out.

"Luis!" she yelled but I slammed the door behind me. The first person to spot me was Noah, and he looked scared.

"Look man -"

"Where's the Lurker?" I interrupted.

"Amelia's taking care of it." Max said.

"Amelia?" I scoffed pushing past them to see Amelia standing there, her pistol pointed at a Lurker. "Give me the gun." I walked over to her.

"Let me do this." she stepped away from me. She closed one eye, pulling the trigger and missing completely.

"Give me the gun Milli!" I yelled,

"Let me do this Luis." She repeated, firing several more times until it finally hit the Lurker in the forehead. She turned to me smiling, and I snatched the gun off her.

"Everyone gather round!" I yelled. Max hit the windows of the two cars nearest him, and then the rest of the group joined. "I'm leader. I don't give a shit what any of you say, I'm in charge. Get it?" I asked.

"Yes." The all mumbled.

"I get you all want experience so here; the maximum time I'm willing to spend out of Chicago is 6 weeks. No more, no less. I will be going back in 6 weeks' time and I will take every one of you back to your parents. If you don't agree to go back, like I said to Harper, I won't be opening those doors, do you hear me?"


"If you disobey me, cross me or bring any harm to any other group members I will send you away. I don't have a problem explaining to your family that you are a danger to everyone and I had to deal with you. If they want to hate me, so be it. You knocked me unconscious to get me out here so I'm not up for games." I spat. "Now does anyone have any problems with that?"



"Nope." Rosie shook her head.

"Good; cause if you did I wouldn't have given a shit." I smiled sarcastically. "I'm the boss around here."


"A house? Really?" Max said to me as I walked up the front path of an overgrown house.

"We have no other choice." I whispered. "Everything is over 28 years old out here, we need a safe place and a house is our best option."

"Do you think this will have memories from the last owners?" Antoinette asked.

"Who cares?" Jackson, her older brother spat. Antoinette and Jackson were the children of one of mum's best friends Emmeline and Hudson.

"I want to think there were people outside of Chicago." She looked to me smiling. "I sometimes forget that we're not the only ones left in the world."

"I always forget." I agreed. "I feel like we are the ones who started the world because we have no one else to show for it."

"Exactly." She nodded.

"17." Noah whispered as he walked past me. I rolled my eyes, continuing the walk down the front path to the front door.

"Draw your weapons." I said as I grabbed the handle. "Max, Noah and Jackson you guys go in first."

"Let me go in with them." Amelia said.

"No way."

"Come on just let her." Max smiled. I sighed; of course Max would side with her, he is in love with her.

"Fine." I grabbed the bridge of my nose, closing my eyes. "These Lurkers are very old and very famished."

"Open the door." Noah sighed. I turned the door handle, swinging it open and stepping back so the guys and Amelia could get through. I heard a few gunshots, and then Noah yelled, "Clear!"

"Everybody go in." I said as everyone ran past me to get in. I walked in last, closing the door behind me. "How many Lurkers?" I asked.

"None actually." Noah said. "Amelia just freaked and shot the couch a few times."

"This is why I don't want you to go into these situations." I turned to face Amelia. "You're too young."

"Jackson's 21!" she shouted.

"Don't bring me into this." Jackson sighed.

"I don't care." I said. "You're not going with the guys until you prove you can stay calm."

"I'm going upstairs." She rolled her eyes. "I don't need this."

"Don't walk away from me!" I yelled after her.

"Come on Margo and Harper." She said, and her two best friends followed her upstairs. I groaned, going over and sitting on the coach that had a few bullet holes.

"I think I might -"

"Don't you dare go to my sister's room!" I yelled at Max who had begun to head to the stairs.

"Fine." He stomped off.

"I dare you to open the fridge." Dylan said to his little brother Sam.

"No way." Sam laughed. Sam was 17 like Antoinette and Rosie. I secretly hope he starts to date my sister, and I know that's weird for a brother to say, but Sam's a great kid and Rosie and he are so alike. "You do it."

"What will you do for me?" Dylan asked.

"I'll do your night shift." Sam smiled. I sometimes doubted that the triplets and Sam were related. Margo and Harper have bleach blonde hair – which is natural – and pale skin while the rest of the family has brown hair and olive skin. Sam and Dylan look the exact same, as well as Margo and Harper.

"Deal." Dylan smiled, and they ran off towards the kitchen. Everyone was silent waiting for the reaction. "OH MY GOD!" We heard Dylan yell.

"Idiots." I whispered.

"I think we should get some sleep." Noah said.

"I get to call the shots around here Noah." I stood, smiling slightly. "I think we should all get some sleep."

"Great idea." Noah laughed. "Did you hear that Thorn – Peters boys? Bed time; the boss said so."

"Coming!" They yelled from the kitchen.

"Can you show me where my room is?" Antoinette walked up to me. I nodded, turning towards the stairs.


Virus 3 - The Final ChapterWhere stories live. Discover now