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A/N:WOW so this is it! My first fanfic finally finished! I might cry! Thank you to all my loyal readers and reviewers! Thank you to everyone who stopped to read my fic and I promise I will be writing more fanfics soon! Please Please review, I would be honored to hear how you all enjoyed this story!

Draco kept checking himself in the mirror over and over again to make sure everything looked completely perfect and that every piece of hair was in its place. As soon as he thought he was perfect he would notice something else wrong, whether it be a piece of lint on his suit or a seam not lined up right. He heard the door open behind him and saw through the mirror it was Harry and Ron and immediately turned around and looked at Ron with a disgusted look on his face.

"What the bloody hell is that?" he said, gesturing to Ron's very sloppy tie around his neck.

"I know, pretty good, huh? I did it myself." Ron said with a smug grin.

"It looks like you stuffed your dinner napkin down your shirt you great prat..... here, let me fix it." Draco demanded, grabbing Ron roughly by the tie and ripping it off of him.

"It looks fine....... it's not even my wedding." Ron whined.

"Exactly Weasley, so you will do well to look your best for mine....... not to mention your sisters." he snapped. "There..... perfect." he said, stepping out of the way for Ron to have a look in the mirror.

"If you say so." Ron mumbled.

"Relax Draco, everything and everyone is going to look fine." Harry reassured him.

"I don't want fine Potter, I want perfect........ now how do I look?" he asked, pushing Ron aside to get another look in the mirror.

"I don't know..... is the groom supposed to look better than the bride?" Harry laughed.

"Dammit, you're probably right....... maybe I should-"

"DRACO RELAX!" Harry said, putting his hands on Draco's shoulders. "You look amazing, if I wasn't engaged to Luna I might make a pass at you..... ok? Is that what you want to hear?" Harry laughed.

"Well, not exactly, but it'll do." he said with a smirk.

"Alright..... I got the Firewhisky...... sorry I took so long, got lost." Bill said, handing a shot to Draco. "Here mate, drink that."

"Thanks, " he mumbled, throwing the shot back.

"ALRIGHT! LOOK WHO'S ALL READY!" Arthur shouted, walking in with a wobbly Scorpius beside him dressed in a little tux and his hair slicked back.

Draco smiled down at his son and his heart just melted; he couldn't believe the twins were already a year old and have already mastered the art of walking. He picked Scorpius up in his arms and listened to the babbling sounds of excitement he made at the sight of seeing his Daddy. He was so excited and smiling that he drooled a bit.

"Ugh, baby spit...... you might wanna clean that kid up if your worried about looks." Ron said.

"Get use to it Weasley, you'll be doing the same thing soon." Draco said, wiping Scorpius' mouth with his thumb, then wiping it off on his own suit that he just got done perfecting.

"Nah, Hermione still has like nine months before the baby comes." Ron said waving his hand.

Draco leaned in closer to Harry and whispered, "Uh, isn't Hermione like five months pregnant?"

"Yup, just....... leave it." Harry said, shaking his head and holding his hand up to stop Draco from trying to make sense of Ron's thought process.

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