Chapter 24

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GRAPHIC CONTENT! VIOLENCE! Sorry I took a bit to update, just wanted this chapter to come out right. This chapter is a lot darker, hope you like it!

Draco appeared in the familiar field to the Colonial house he had called home these past few months, but the sight that met him made him fall to his knees. The house was just completely engulfed in flames and the once green grassed field they stood in was now singed. Draco managed to get to his feet and ran as fast as he could across the scorched land hearing the others close behind him. They soon skidded to a halt just watching the flames rising and rising and Draco ran around the back to the porch area and desperately looked for any sign of Ginny. The fear and worry were evident on his face and he tried with all his might to keep his shaking legs working as he searched all around the outside of the large house.

"DON'T MOVE!" he heard someone call out from behind him and he immediately froze. He heard the man take a few steps closer to him and then stop.  "Draco?"

He heard the man's voice again and soon realized it was Mr. Weasley and he turned around to find Arthur lowering his wand. The others soon came around the back and Ron ran up to his dad and embraced him, followed by the rest of the Weasley sons.

"Dad, where are the girls, we ran into Luna and she said there was an attack." Ron said frantically.

"I'm not sure, but I know they got out. Hermione and Narcissa are with Ginny, I had to get your Mother to safety and left her with Luna but by the time I got back the house was in flames. Ginny did this, there were too many of them about and she must scared." he finished.

Draco was relieved to hear she got out, but he now worried about where she was. He spotted something across the field and walked over to it, noticing it was Ginny's bag. He picked it up and his eyes were drawn to a single strand of red hair he found stuck to it. His legs had finally decided to give out and he found himself on the ground; tears stinging his eyes as he reached down and picked up the long hair and watched as it seemed to shimmer from the glare of the flames behind him. He heard footsteps beside him and he turned to see Harry squat down beside him.

"We're going to find them and they are going to be just fine."

Draco just nodded and then threw the strap of Ginny's bag over his head and got up and walked back over to the others. Bill filled his Father in on what was going on with the mission and how they hadn't talked to Kingsley and how Neville needed to get to St. Mungo's.

"Bill, your pocket.... its glowing." Arthur said suddenly.

Bill quickly reached into his pocket and pulled out the small round object that Kingsley had given him and in very small letters in a swirled mess appeared a message.

"Attack at Ministry, in hiding, will contact when able."

Bill read the message out to them.

"We need to get out of this area, with the Ministry being overrun and Kingsley's whereabouts unknown things are about to go from really bad to a world of shit." Arthur said. "There's a wooded area across the way, let's lie low in there for now until this area clears out and then we will come up with a next plan of action. I know Hermione will try and find some way of contacting one of us or even McGonagall so let's just focus on getting somewhere safe. The girls couldn't have gotten too far; Ginny isn't able to apparate with her being pregnant so they are traveling on foot most likely."

"How do we even know they haven't been captured or worse? I found Ginny's bag on the ground and nothing but burnt bodies scattered about...... what if she accidentally killed...." Draco trailed off.

"She didn't, Hermione is smart she knows how deadly Ginny's powers can be, she would have avoided them....... I just know it." Ron said in a firm tone.

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