Chapter 29

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Everything was dark, or so that was all he could see or make out at the moment; the pain in his head was enough to make him beg for death this very moment. He tried to open his eyes, but the agony he was in forced them closed again and any tiny movement he made forced a painful gasp from his mouth. A thick dried up layer of blood that covered his face made it even harder to tear his eyes open, but he fought through all of it and managed to take in the room he was in. The room smelled of death and it was dark and dirty with a cold stone floor and walls around them. Draco saw a body next to him, he soon made it out to be Harry who seemed to be unconscious and bound with chains and shackles. He went to move and realized he was also in the same position; immediately regretting moving at all when the pain ran through his entire body. He knew his ribs were more than likely broken and he didn't even know what kind of injury his head endured; all he knew was there seemed to be an on and off ringing in his ears and his vision was blurred.

He tried to call out to Harry, but he could barely move his mouth; he knew he was in rough shape and from the looks of it Harry was too. He heard a door open across the room and he tried to focus on the figure approaching him; even with his blurry vision, there was no mistaking the platinum hair that came into view. Draco felt his breath catch in his throat and his heart start to race.

"Draco....... my........son" Lucius drawled; each word covered in malice. "I had quite an interesting experience digging through your memories........ so a farmhouse huh?" He flashed Draco an evil grin.

Draco felt his heart sink, all he could think about was Ginny.

"And the Weasley girl? I must say Draco....... I am disappointed...... and to get the poor girl pregnant..... well, I can't simply let the offsprings of two blood traitors walk around with the Malfoy name; that just simply won't do."

Draco felt his anger rising; the thought of his Father causing harm to any of them was enough to make him plunge a knife through his heart. He foolishly attempted to pull his arms from the shackles and immediately screamed out in pain, hearing his Father laughing at him.

"Angry are you? Trying to conjure up some of those special powers are you now? If I remember correctly from what I've managed to pull from your memories...... your nothing without the Weasley girl to jump start that mind of yours." Lucius said with a maniacal laugh. "Too bad, really...... such a waste of power; we could have been unstoppable, but........ you and your Mother decided to be on the losing side of things."

"I'm...... g.....going t... to-"

"Going to what? Kill me?" Lucius laughed. "God this is priceless, no Draco...... I'm going to kill you and after that I'm going after that little family you disgustingly created."

The door across the room opened again and Draco could make out another figure approaching him.

"Ah, Draco I'm sure you remember meeting Warren's brother...... you know the one your little girlfriend killed." Lucius said, gesturing to the man beside him.

Lucius turned to leave, then stopped in the doorway. "Torture them until they beg for death; then I'll be back to gladly fulfill that request. Do what you wish to them, but NO Cruciatus curse....... we don't want to spark up any of those nifty powers. " He said with nothing but disgust and hate covering every word.

Draco watched his Father leave the room and before he could snap his eyes back to Warren he felt something hard hit him and everything went black again.


"Shh..... shh, it's ok, I'm coming I'm coming. George, a hand please!" Ginny snapped picking up a screaming Ember from her bassinet.

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