Chapter 13

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Ginny was sitting at the table with Hermione, Luna and her Mom making sandwiches for when the boys returned. She was excited to see the tree they picked out but was a bit disappointed she couldn't tag along this year. Her parents thought it best she stayed inside the wards since everything she had been through this year and the possible threats that they knew lurked outside the wards. She gave out a light sigh and placed her completed sandwich on the tray with the others.

"Cheer up sweetie, I'm sure they have found a magnificent tree." Mrs. Weasley gave her a bright smile.

"I'm not so sure about that, remember Ron is with them," Hermione laughed.

They giggled and continued making lunch.

"They've been gone a while now," Mrs. Weasley stated with worry in her voice.

Luna got up from the table and walked over to the window and squinted at the small figures across the field that emerged.

"Looks like they just got back," she said with a smile.

They all ran outside to see the tree they had picked out, but their smiles turned to looks of horror as they noticed Ron was limping and they all looked a wreck. They all ran towards them, Ginny could hear her mum screaming for her father in fear that something horrible happened. They stopped in front of them and Arthur had his hands out to calm them down and reassure them everybody was alright.

"ARTHUR, ARTHUR WHAT HAPPENED? RON ARE YOU ALRIGHT? WHAT HAPPENED DAMMIT!" Molly yelled demanding answers with tears welling in her eyes.

"Molly calm down dear, everybody is ok, we ran into some Death Eaters, but they were taken care of." Arthur explained wrapping Molly up into a hug.

Ginny watched her father hold her mum to comfort her from the fear that filled them all. She watched as Hermione looked over Ron's entire body to see if he was truly ok before she buried her face in his neck and he wrapped her up in his arms. She saw Luna give Harry a hug, asking him if he was ok and they shared a smile. She turned her attention to Draco, he looked confused and distracted and she thought about how badly she wanted to be in his arms again. She felt tears forming in her eyes and quickly wiped them away.

"It's ok Gin, we're fine, honestly," said George wrapping his sister in a one armed hug.

"Arthur why were there Death Eaters so close to the wards?" Molly asked sounding panicked.

"Could be from the amount of magic used on Thanksgiving and they pinpointed it to around here. I think we are going to have to start going out daily and do perimeter checks to make sure our location isn't found." Arthur explained.

"We will discuss it further later, come on, let's get you boys in the house. Arthur are you sure you're alright, you look like you saw a ghost." Molly asked looking at her husband's pale face.

Arthur paused for a moment; realizing how close to death he was. How he almost wouldn't have made it back to his family. He looked at Draco.

"Draco saved my life. I would be dead if Draco hadn't put his life on the line. We may not understand those powers you possess Draco, but I know that today it saved my life and I am eternally grateful for it." Arthur said getting a bit choked up.

Draco wasn't sure what to say he just nodded to accept the thanks and then a moment later found his face buried in Mrs. Weasley's chest as she brought him into a rib crunching hug. Draco saw Ginny quickly turn around and make her way back to the house without the rest of them.

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