Chapter 16

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Ginny ran out into the hallway and saw another shadow coming up the stairs. She went to make a run to wake the others when she felt someone grab her and cover her mouth, then pull her back into one of the rooms.


She realized it was Draco and she instinctively gripped his arm in fear of what was to come.

"We have to get to the others," she choked out.

"We're going to have to fight our way out of here." He whispered, seeing a group of Death Eaters reaching the landing of the stairs.

He felt her heart beat speed up against his arm as she latched onto him harder for protection.

"Hey, you need to focus, ok?" he looked into her eyes; even with all the fear in them, they looked beautiful.

She nodded and let out a shaky breath.

One of the Death Eaters was walking passed their door when Draco hit him with a killing curse. As soon as the man hit the floor chaos broke out. Ginny and Draco ran out of the room and down the hall to her parent's room who were already up and armed with their wands drawn.

"DRACO, GO GET NARCISSA!" Arthur yelled to him.

Draco nodded and ran to Charlie's room where he knew his mother was locked in.

Spells and curses hit the walls and busted holes in the house and one spell started a fire that spread quickly, filling the house with smoke.

Harry, Ron, Hermione and George joined Ginny and the others outside her parent's room.


They all moved together to make their way downstairs, but were soon split up when they were faced with more Death Eaters coming at them. Harry grabbed Ginny and pulled her out of the way of a curse and Ron and George were dueling with three Death Eaters on the staircase trying to clear the way for them to get downstairs.

"STAY CLOSE TO ME GINNY!" Harry yelled to her as parts of the house started caving in around them.

Harry and Ginny went to make their way to help Ron and George when the floor under them gave in and they fell through to the floor below.

"GINNY! HARRY!" Hermione yelled out to them running over to the hole in the floor and looking down at them.

She was relieved to see they were both still alive and she made her way to help Ron and George. One of the men kicked Ron in the chest, causing him to fall backwards off the steps onto his back. Harry picked himself up off the floor below and shot a curse at the man advancing on Ron. He then grabbed Ginny's hand and dragged her with him towards the back door.

Draco blew the door to Charlie's room down and ran inside where he found his mother with an object in her hand ready to attack. Draco just looked at her; he knew he couldn't leave her behind no matter how horrible the things were that she said to him.

"Let's go," he demanded and grabbed her wrist.

He dragged her behind him throughout the house throwing spells left and right to fight his way through. He saw Hermione and Mr. and Mrs. Weasley just making it downstairs and he hurried to catch up with them. The flames throughout the house were roaring and the smoke was starting to fill his lungs. He heard his mother coughing and gasping for air.

They finally had made it to the top of the staircase and went to make their way down when the whole stairwell collapsed under them. They fell to the floor with a pile of broken wood on top of them. Draco quickly kicked the debris aside and helped his mother up erasing all feelings of pain from his mind. He knew he was hurt, but his mind told him to keep going. He tried to make out where the back door was but the smoke was too thick. He heard screaming outside and followed the noise hoping it was the right direction.

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