Chapter 10

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Draco opened his eyes and was met by white and he stood up and looked at his surroundings. Everywhere he turned he was met with a whiteness for miles; nothing else in sight. He looked down at himself and he was clean; no blood, no bruises, no scars from his own self-inflictions or his father's doing. He thought he should feel panicked, but he didn't, he felt peace and warmth, something he wasn't used to feeling. Was this heaven? He thought to himself.

"Pretty amazing isn't it?" Draco turned around and was taken aback by whom the voice came from.

"George? What are you doing here?" he asked sounding confused.

"No Draco, I'm Fred"

"What? But your...dead," he said, panic now rising in his voice.

"Ah, nice to see that poison hasn't completely destroyed your brain," he joked.

"But if you're dead then...Am I dead?" he said, trying to understand the situation.

"You're in-between mate," he said, slapping him on the back.

"What does that mean?"

"It means you get to choose."

"Choose? Between living or dying? What do you think? Of course I want to live," Draco snarled, sounding a bit annoyed.

"Do you?" came another voice behind him.

Draco turned to see Lupin standing there.

"Professor?" Draco said, his voice trying to hide any emotion from it.

"Do you truly want to live Draco?" Lupin repeated.

"Yes," Draco answered through clenched teeth.

"Are you sure? Because this is what you've been contemplating for a while now. To live... to die; You just couldn't bring yourself to go through with it during your many attempts, but now here you are. Already half way there and all you have to do is decide," Lupin thoughtfully said.

Draco thought for a moment, did he want to go back? Did he want to live? Was there anything worth him going back for? He wouldn't have to endure the wrath of his father tormenting him. He wouldn't have to face himself every day and remember how worthless he really is. Everything would be so much easier to just go with death.

"I...I don't know," he answered truthfully looking up at Lupin and Fred.

"Answer something for me Draco," another voice rang out. Draco turned around and was face to face with Severus Snape. His eyes went wide.

"This isn't happening right now," Draco mumbled to himself running his fingers through his hair.

"Indeed it is," came Snape's familiar sarcastic voice. "Ask yourself; is there anything worth going back for?" Snape said, putting a hand on Draco's shoulder.

Draco looked at the man's hand on his shoulder. He felt so guilty knowing he stood on the same side as Voldemort. The same man who was responsible for the death of the man before Draco. For the two people standing behind him even. He couldn't help the tears that were forming in his eyes. He shook his head.

"No...No there's nothing," he whispered.

Snape gave a frown by his answer.

"Then how about someone?" a voice rang out over all of them. Draco's heart sank when he turned to see Dumbledore standing behind him. He was as magnificent looking as Draco remembered.

Draco dropped to his knees and rubbed his face and ran his hand through his hair again. Was he being punished by seeing the faces of the people he betrayed? The people, who were trying to help him, make him see there was always another way, even when he didn't see it. Dumbledore walked over to him and put a gentle hand on Draco's head.

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